
  • devildemocommiecrats are the racists ones not conservatives!!!!!  They have always been racists but PROJECT their racism on innocent people  to self-justify their behavior!!!!!!!!!!!  They are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation!!!!!  Now the "inclusive", "enlightened" ones tell blacks they are "too stupid" to be able to get voter IDs, which a 1st grader can figure out how to do, unless they are democrat 1st graders!!!!!  I hope blacks are paying attention to how they are being portrayed by devildemocommiecrats and realize that voting for them is voting for their own enslavement!!!!!!!!!!

  • He is clearly saying that Blacks are just to damn stupid to figure out how to get an ID ! The truth is he is just to damned stupid to figure out what has happened to his party !

  • Just because you are Mr. AG doesn't mean that anyone else is.  How demeaning can you get?  Oh wait, he's a de'mock"rat' so there is not floor!

  • You are a corrupt brain dead liar

  • The only logical/common sense reason the demorats leadership heirchy is so fiercely opposed to voter ID is because they want to make fraudelent voting easy for them to win elections. PERIOD. 

    • AND adults know it.

  • Demoncrats have always exploited Blacks. They scare Blacks that the boogieman is coming and they are the Super Hero to protect them.  It is so sad that many Blacks and minorities continue to slave on the Demoncrat plantation.

    • True....sadly.

  • Just more proof he's another stupid is as stupid does criminal clown.

    • DLR, you are CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!

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