
  • The only one who lies more than the Zombie is Satan who is the father of lies. Biden is his son. 

  • The wicked hypocrite should be impeached for having publicly bragged on live TV that he succeeded in having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating the energy company where Hunter Biden was employed, by having threatened to withhold one billion dollars in tax funded aid, if he was not fired before he was to depart Ukraine within a few hours. That was bribery. And the impeachment should include his gross mishandling of classified documents, and for having committed anarchy by stopping construction that was designed to finally secure the southwest border IAW the Immigration Reform Control Act of 1986.

  • Why should they use a different playbook... the carp they are using seems to work just fine for their purposes.  The problem isn't the DNC's play book it is the GOP's lack of any playbook... running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off, the Democrats are eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... its pathetic...

    • I no longer have any faith in the republication party, they talk a good game but accomplish NOTHING

    • "REPUBS"  Must rapidly dispense with any notion that they are "GOD'S ANNOINTED and PRIVILEGED ELITE UNDER HEAVEN" and pull their disillusioned heads out of their posterior portal and get cognizant of all adverse stances by thr "DIRTY DEMOCRATS" and SAVE OUR NATION by their NEW ALL OVER MORALS, ETHICS and ACTION TO RESTORE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.  IF They want INDEPENDENTS TO BE REPUBLICANS THEY Damn well better do so before i have to Stand Alone with aGun in hand.....GOD'LL BLESS AMERICA when WE THE PEOPLE ENACT WHAT CHRIST TAUGHT US

    • 👍

  • Biden is a Traitor: the House has more than enough evidence, without this ([hich is questionable to say the least], to Impeach him.  It should definitely not be dropped.

  • Biden should be dropped period along with all of his commiecrat buddies....both Demonrats and RINOs.

  • Trader

    • If you're going to label him, spell it right. 'Traitor'.

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