Illegitimate President Joe Biden enraged the black community with his recent racist comments saying blacks don’t know how to use a computer or get online. The meme world exploded with satire regurgitating the President’s comments.
Biden has repeatedly throughout his political career made overtly racist comments towards blacks, leading many black leaders to complain the DNC only uses minorities for political goals, but harbors real deep-seated racsim, as opposed to the manufactured hate suggested for the Trump movement, where the evidence doesn’t exist, and fake racism hoaxes are frequent.
“JOE BIDEN IS A RACIST! He said Blacks and Hispanics don’t know how to get online and use the Internet. HE THINKS WE ARE ALL IGNORANT. President Trump would have been called a racist for saying this!” declared black activist Terrence Williams.
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O'o, first signs of VP for president?... "fast and furious" not just a slogan anymore, have we not noticed how quickly things are changing into a totalitarian state?
I sure wish we had a president with a similar slogan to drain the swamp.
I have yet to see al not so sharp or jesse jackass, the top race hustlers, say a word of objection to very racist comments by mr dementia but they don't jump on their satanic devildemocommiecrat benefactors. They wait until they can project it onto conservatives.
Since white folks are the worlds least wealthy and least dominant race on the planet, this trumped up so called hegemony can't be true. It's as false as systemic racism. If THAT were true, white folks who brought forth all the legislation to give people of all Color the Vote, destroy Jim Crow practices, rally with MLK, rail against southern KKK and racsim -wouldn't have done any of it. BUT we did. Our ancestors fought in the Civil War and DIED. We fought for Freedom with our Brothers of Color in WWl-WWll-Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq, Afghanistan the latter of which is unnecessary and must stop. Biden will continue it because the Military wants to keep their jobs. They railed against Trump because he brought so many troops home. Conservatives in the Military don't see color. Men that fight together see each other as brothers. Top brass may not, but boots on the ground don't care about color, they are fighting for their lives. Gen z's and most millenials have never seen color or practiced racism unless they were indoctrinated and much of that was in the Black Community =lies perpetrated against cops who are supposedly only white. Those perpetrating this don't care about the damage they do, they do it for control. Children now have to be taught systemic racism and many, esp. Christians -children and adults are confused. Don't be Confused. Systemic racism as applied to the supposed white supremacists is nonsense. It's a bunch of Godless, characterless idiots trying to blame you for something so shallow it can't truly be applied to anyone except themselves so they project it onto you and me and everyone they hate-the Hate however is systemic and it is the true racsim.
Sharon, AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!!! When I was in the Army the "A"team I was on had 1 Cherokee Indian, and 2 of Mexican heritage but we were ALL American Special Forces soldiers and fought for each other. We NEVER gave skin color or ethnicity one second of thought, we were brothers in arms, each depending on the others for survival. When we fought the enemy we didn't care if they were white, brown, black, orange, or green. They were the ENEMY, period!!!!!!!!!! When I got wounded it was a hispanic that carried me out of the line of fire.
Sucha Great Testimony.
Unless people come from the deep south and have racist relatives, they care more to just make it for their families than to care for skin color. Rush said, If racism in USA were true, the wealthiest woman in America would be an overweight black TV star. I never saw color and neither did my 2 boys. It's all so contrived.
Having served with project Omega, MACV/SOG, I concur with this post... We didn't care if you were purple and from Mars, you were my Brother for whom I would have died for........
The man has no respect for anyone or anything except money. He is an illegitimate president and a sellout to the left. He doesn't even know what he is saying half the time and has NO clue how to be president.
Forgive me but Biden is doing exactly what the left wants him to do. They are just waiting for their 'perfect' candidate to replace him - Harris.
She, Harris, fell to 29 of 29 after Gabbard exposed her hate for human life, and imagine these tyrants still saying they arew for the people with Biden the crime bill and rqcist remarks, the fake news working over time to purposely be a political arm of the tyranical party. Harris also should be in prison right now. She knowingly withheld exculpatory evidene in a fake murder conviction that exonerated a man, she wanted him dead. Finally, a Federal Judge had to go a step further and forced the evidence out and released a man from death row. harris thinking, as she does now, just listen to her, everything is hate for someone or something to be damaged. The democrats claim they voted these people in, I'm certain they did not. We had our voicees stomped out... but the democrats voice is ignored. The democrats didn't want Harris and said so in all their interviews yet, their pwn party placed this tyrant in this position anansit their own parties demands. What is left is the qacceptance of this monster in lieu of they hate generated by the MSM CNN, MSNBC and the 5 alphbet channels (young Turks, who found AOC in a talent agency and got this nut into office, really, sold herself to the people with lies. The MSM is something that must be ended and its lies paid and funded by George SOROs. to make up lies to inundate the airways everyday. Now the paid off Unions and xl pipe line and other energy stopped after a direct promise not to. the Democrats were are suffering from the blind hate for a political party who really wants the same thing they do... but the lies and now the increased media fraud has rampped up more than ever. I have to getr my news from Rumble and some Youtube channels Like Next News and lets be Frank who investigates the daily news and debunks most every word still being broadcast as lies. The FCC has a duty to stop this fake news, yet is bought dogs of the liberals.