
  • Here we go again.....this blooming idiot!

  • This man should not even be in the U.S. SENATE, Those of us that did serve in VIETNAM find him to be disgusting his lies about serving there were nothing more than stolen valor, The fact that he was elected in the first place is not a mystery its an insult


    OBTW - Congress doesn't need grounds for impeachment of Trump and they proved it! 


    Of course if Trump suggested he would pardon the Biden family he would be praised by the left as enlightened and brave! 

  • Send Da Nang Dick to Vietnam for good!

  • Grounds for impeachment should include lying about one's military service in order to get elected to office...ahem, Sen. Blumenthal, we're talking about you.

  • What another waste of humanity!

  • Da Nang Blumenthal is a left wing IDIOT who like the fraud now sitting in the Oval Office lies to the America people . 

    • And like most liberals lying is part of their MOS . Sen. Blumemthal NEVER WENT TO VEITNAM but said he did to get elected ! The left's Mantra " the ends Justify the Means " ! Also Saul Alinsky's Rules For Raidicals ! is their guide ! Lie and Lie somemore until it become legend and no one disputes the Legend ! 

  • Blumental is a stupid liar. 

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