

    Welcome to my world! Buckel up and hold on! 

    • Yes Sir that is exactly what we are going to do right now

  • The Devil days are counted just as those who are trying to destroy the land that God Bless and our Republicans leaders must wake up or they will be joining Liz Cheney angry blaming everyone accept herself for listening to Pelosi and putting her hate before the people 

    • The Bible is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and it's not getting better it's going to get worse as the day goes by 

  • This is Obama 3rd term in office everything that's going on in the government right now the Devil is running the government with the help of Obama and his cronies, my question is does anyone know what is going on in the government? It is deeper then what the media is telling us. 

    • While Obama was in office he did some really dispicable things. Throughout his complete terms as president he and his mate were exact replicas of 2 Sanford and Son TV Charicters.

      Slow moving and LAZY Grady--played by Barack Obama always on the ready to vacation or hit the links & Volatile Aunt Esther played by Michelle Obama also, called "Gorilla" by Fred Sanford.

      Both Played their part perfectly.

      The other 2 Cartoon characters were "Pinky and the Brain"

       Obama played THE Brain who was forever going to take over the world and Pinky played by Joey Biden &.... WE ALL KNOW WHY, DON'T WE????

      Its not hard to see the process that Obama showes now vs two previous terms---IT HAS OBAMAS FINGER PRINTS ALL OVER IT AS MR WRONG WAY CORRIGEN IS
      AT IT ONCE AGAIN, AT THE HELM this time behind the curtain like the Wizard in the Wizard of OZ so we are being run into another depression...RIGHT by Mr stupid behind the curtain?

    • Can you say this is what's happening right now in a different face?

    • It will never end until we the patriotic Lovers of LAW and our CONSTITUTION which rules this country and BY THE WAY, needs no modifications, do finally PURGE the Democrats from all corners of our governments: City, County, State, and ALL FEDERAL positions no matter how passive they may seem!

    • Agreed

  • I happen to carry my official Joe Biden "I did that" stickers that I put on every gasoline pump when ever I refule!

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