Brace Yourself! Immigration Tragedy Unfolding

13443621275?profile=RESIZE_584xJust about the time America thinks the Progressives have learned a few things, they go and throw a monkey wrench into sanity! David Hogg, a leader in the Democratic Party, demands the mass importation of unknown, unvetted individuals into our neighborhoods, some of whom could undoubtedly be enemy combatants! Then, as our neighborhoods become overcrowded with international trespassers, the ‘self-labeled’ enlightened and evolved Democrat leaders will demand slashing police budgets followed by defunding!

What could go wrong?

The recent fires in Los Angeles, with little to no water in the reservoirs, failed to extinguish out-of-control blazes, resulting in tens of billions of dollars' worth of destruction. Now, it appears that the same scenario is unfolding, but this time, the out-of-control fires could potentially transform into an out-of-control massive human tsunami that invades America, thereby depleting the power to protect US citizens.

The Democratic National Committee has elected David Hogg, a survivor of the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school massacre, as its vice chair. Hogg, 24, is a famous campaigner for tougher gun restrictions and has participated in a variety of political talks.

In August 2020, Hogg voiced his views on law enforcement and immigration on X (previously Twitter). On August 15, 2020, he commented, "Defund the police, not the USPS," expressing his support for draining police funds and funneling them into liberal-run pet projects disguised as community services. Earlier that month, on August 1, 2020, he demanded, "Abolish ICE," indicating his demand to eliminate US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The "Abolish ICE" campaign seeks to abolish the agency in charge of enforcing immigration laws, with supporters stating its responsibilities should be handled by other existing social sympathetic agencies.

Hogg's ascent to the DNC leadership coincides with the Democratic Party reeling from policy shifts, especially after facing significant criticism for its perceived leniency towards crime and illegal immigration after the 2024 elections. In his victory speech, Hogg underlined the need for the party to "rethink the way we've been doing things" and work on regaining support from varied sectors such as the working class and youth.

Critics claim that pushing for the abolition of ICE and the defunding of police will pose serious issues to law enforcement and immigration control. They are concerned that such measures will result in greater unlawful immigration and potential hazards to public safety. However, progressive liberals believe that stripping money from police agencies and funneling those funds to social community projects can solve systemic issues while also promoting social justice, diversity, and inclusion.

Final Word: Let’s do simple math, shall we?

QUESTION: What do you get when the Democrat Party demands the deposit of tens of millions of illegal aliens into our neighborhoods, many being gang members and enemy combatants, and then slashes police budgets and resources?

ANSWER: The same thing that happened in Los Angeles. There was no water available to combat fires, and there would be no police to combat massive crime waves. 

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  • The tragedy is that a real tragedy made it possible for this incredibly unaware person to be in a leadership position....and that the democrats are this desperate! 

  • If those millions of combatants from foreign courtries, illegals, decide to attack Americans it will be a great mistake.  They will kill thousands, but in the end they will all be dead.  They have no established leadership, communications, or a valid supply base.  They will get to fire their weapons, and that will be it.  After that, they will be toast.  So, they all have a decision. Leave the country in a peaceful manner or let ICE help you leave. If idoits like this Hoff asshole get in the way, arrest him, put him on trial, find him guilty, and shut him up.  It is all pretty simple once you get the anti-American Dems out of the way.

  • Thank you! Conservative media is coming here to use our articles and comments for their websites and membership! This means we are delivering the message to millions of people! GOOD JOB!

  • Many, many Americans are quite able to defend themselves.  If they want war, the illegals are far outnumbered and outgunned.

    • The last time I checked a firearm doesn't care if it is stolen or legitimately obtained... Just how long do you think it will take a few million of these criminals to arm themselves with stolen munitions and arms?

      We should all remember that just two or three years ago several large containers full of AK-47s were found stacked up in Southern California... what would keep China from arming their advanced guard in the USA with pre-positioned weapons, munitions, and other critical instruments of war?

    • We should also remember we, reportedly have , THOUSANDS of illegal Muslim and Chinese men, of fighting age, who are being hidden within the country (being aided and abetted) awaiting the signal to launch a surprise attack!! However, WE don't seem to be getting any warning info from either FBI, or CIA!  And "why" do you suppose that is?😡😡

    • Exactly, and many of those potential combatants are located near critical infrastructure and key military bases...

      It's time to bring home most of our overseas deployed forces to defend key US facilities and infrastructure.

      Civil defense units and volunteers need to be organized in our communities... preparing for mobilization and placing the Nation on a war footing. Activating the Draft and recalling selective military reservist to provide the manpower and specialties needed for beefing up our communications, logistics, and medical units is in order.

      These units and troops can stand down once the nation is secure... with our infrastructure, logistics, command, and communications systems hardened and prepared for the worst.  

    • 👍That's a 10/4 - - 

    • You are right. 

    • I pray you are right!

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