Busted! White House Exposed

maxresdefault.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) The investigation is in high gear but it doesn’t look good for the Biden Crime Family! It appears the Biden Regime is neck deep not only in scandal but also in dollars paid to them from foreign countries and powerful dictators. Yikes!

A compromised White House is a threat to national security, without a question!

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tennessee, a member of the House Oversight Committee, has been asked by several organizations if the corruption described in a recent congressional report about the Biden family posed a threat to national security.

Burchett stated,  “a receipt from the Biden family of money from a foreign company apparently controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu, who is being investigated and prosecuted for corruption in Romania, was one of the memo's less important findings.”

"You know," Burchett said about Romania, "they have a real problem with corruption, and there's a tape of Joe Biden addressing Romania about their corruption. But, surprise, surprise, the Biden family got a million dollars, or more than a million dollars, from a Romanian friend who has been written up for ethics violations and other things. So, their pride has no limits.

"This goes very deep," said the member. "And I guess you have to really wonder if this could have hurt our national security. Which is what I think this is all about. You might wonder why a Chinese communist balloon with technology from the 1800s is flying over our country and getting pictures of our secret missile silos.

"It seems pretty clear to me what's happening. They [the Chinese Communist Party] have a huge amount of power. They have snuck in, and they have made this White House less safe."

In conclusion. Has the Biden family sold out to dictators, Communists and anyone with cash? Is Hunter Biden really a double agent or a asset of the an alphabet agency or perhaps is this all a big mistake?

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  • The whole biden crime cartel, like the clinton crime cartel are agents of satan, china, and russia!!!!!!!!!!

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    • ADMIN

      Everyone knows Sleepy Joe Biden is a puppet President! but who is pulling the strings? 


    It seems like someone in the Biden White House is always exposing themselves! Yikes! 

  • But sccording to the msm, it is only the Biden family and has nothing to do with TRAITOR JOE.  Any thinking person knows that is a bunch of B.S.

  • Why am I not surprised. The Bidens have been dancing with the devil and now they'll burn! 

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