Looting continues in downtown Chicago as of 5:45am. These people are coming out of the Block 37 mall on Randolph west of State Street. Looting has been going on all over downtown and the Magnificent Mile since around midnight. Police are all over the place. @WBBMNewsradio pic.twitter.com/qrBwm8KCZX
— Bernie Tafoya (@BernieTafoya) August 10, 2020
Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores, confronting police and at one point exchanging gunfire with officers, authorities said.
The shots were fired at Michigan Avenue and Lake Street around 4:30 a.m., nearly five hours into the widespread vandalism. Officers were not hit and returned fire, according to the department, which said it was not known if anyone else was hit.
Earlier, an officer was seen slumped against a building by Grand and Wabash avenues as other other cops tended to him. It was unclear what had happened to him. Down the block, police in camouflage gear and shields briefly stood outside at a shop at Rush Street and Grand Avenue.
The looting began shortly after midnight as people darted through broken store windows and doors along Michigan Avenue carrying shopping bags full of merchandise. Cars dropped off more people as the crowd grew. At least one U-Haul van was seen pulling up.
Read more: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-downtown-looting-20200810-3zwa3b7zzrc5vdyb4qjqywrjvu-story.html
It's not only the looting and destruction but these people seem to think they are entitled to do this and keep what they steal. It is horrrendous.
Some are claiming the loot is a form of reparation for slavery. HUH! I do wonder how many of them are even direct decendents of slaves in the US. And why even suggest those who never had decendents who owned slaves are responsible. One of my family fought for the union and died on a civil war battlefield. I think he paid the ultimate price in freeing the ancestors of those whose family can be actually traced back to the days of slavery and my family never asked for anything in return.
Reparations have obviously been altered to mean anyone in the world that is a person of "color" is owed money. Give me a break. My family was in Italy wihen when slavery was going on in America. And slavery is still alive and well. Islam has them, Africa has them, and it's Black on Black. Being a person of "color" is not a free ticket through life on the backs of the American taxpayer. No way!
Do not forget the Epstein, Hollywood sex slavery/trafficking going on world wide, the Vatican, it has roots everywhere. Women and children bartered for, sold, bought, traded, beaten, raped and some murdered as blood sacrifice. PizzaGate in District of Corruption with a killing room right below the restaurant. A top fine female artist who paints with blood.
Enough blood has been shed for blacks to be free. They are free. It is only their own idol worshipping mind that tells them they are not free. They go to school. The rest is up to them.
What is ignored by many of the blacks in this country was the fact that many of the free blacks had available to them a return to Africa where they would be given land and a mule to till their own land. The capital of Liberia where the land would be available is Monrovia, named after President Monroe. This was the plan even before the civil war. Few blacks took advantage so will their decendents now beg for reparations too?
And what next? Reparation for the tens of thousands of Irish who were sent to the colonies as slaves by the Brits who ran roughshod over the people in Ireland. And how about the black man in the north who sought his freedom from his black owner in a Boston court before the civil war. He lost and remained a slave.
Marlene, to many have been indoctrinated into a victim mentality. They think everyone owes them a free ride for the rest of their lives.
"Reparations?" Are they going to pay reparations to the Black business owners they have destroyed?? I am so sick of this whining from the Left. If they could only see outside themselves they might broaden and improve their minds.
And how about if they get reparations apply all of that to the free food, rent, medical, etc. they got from the government for decades?
And lightfoot wants more gun control. That will stop those mean thugs from shooting at Police....SURE IT WILL!!! Someone needs to take HER out and start bringing in the Military.....
Damn, democraps are dirty!
Oh yes they truly are. But then Communism is a dirty business.