Chinese Genetically Modified Flying Syringes

10925617467?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) NO! This is not something out of a horror movie but straight out of Wuhan Laboratories!

China tries out mosquito-borne vaccine distribution for the first time. Vaccines could potentially be disseminated via mosquito bites; an idea being explored by Chinese researchers. Although this study was conducted on animals, the potential dangers to humans are clear.

But the facts are clear, if the government mandates a vaccine, then everyone WILL comply, but how? says the ‘My Body, My Choice’ crowd? Your vaccine will be airborne and undetectable because your vaccine will be carried by (wait for it……)  Chinese Genetically Modified Mosquitoes and yes, they love your blood!

There is a plan to release genetically engineered mosquitoes into the wild in order to cause a "strong, long-lasting immune response" in animals, as reported by the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on Wednesday.

The paper's authors claim their experiments have been successful in increasing the resistance of animal subjects to viral illnesses, including Zika, which caused widespread alarm in the late 2010s before a specific other organism emerged from Wuhan, China, to rampage throughout the globe.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito, the primary vector of Zika virus transmission, is a widespread pest nests in swamps all over the world, including the United States. Brazilian pregnant women's concerns a Zika virus mosquito bite could cause birth abnormalities or miscarriage contributed to the severity of the crisis.

In the name of safety and protecting the unborn everyone will receive the Chinese Genetically Modified Mosquitoes and once again for the My Body, My Choice crowd, they need to have healthy babies so there is reason for an abnormality or miscarriage thereby clearing the path for an abortion by choice and not by necessity.

It’s Zika’s fault!! Over the past decade, several plans have been proposed to combat Zika include genetically manipulating mosquitoes, typically with the goal of neutering them and causing their populations to fall when they ceased mating.

Chinese scientists essentially created a Zika-like virus by fusing it with another virus called Chaoyang or CYV, which thrives in mosquitoes but not in larger animals, to create a virus fools’ animals' immune systems into believing they've been infected with Zika but is actually safe. Animals wouldn't need to contract Zika or a comparable virus to build up an immunity to them.

The SCMP reports a team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave mosquitoes blood tainted with the inert CYV-Zika hybrid, and the mosquitoes then bit laboratory mice, transmitting the virus through the saliva. Antibodies produced by the mice protected them from lethal doses of Zika virus injected by the study team for over five months. Furthermore, post-infected mosquitoes bit the mice did not contract Zika.

According to the SCMP, "each mouse was bitten by 30 distinct mosquitoes, up to three times, to imitate natural settings." This amount of exposure is roughly the same as what a human might feel after playing tennis in Florida for 30 minutes on a hot July afternoon.

The Chinese research group had high hopes for the potential applications of their mosquito injection method, including "prevention of zoonotic diseases affecting domestic animals and humans" and "preservation of endangered wildlife, such as ruffled grouse decimated by West Nile virus."

The implication is vaccines would be distributed to wild animals via mosquitoes to stop the spread of infectious diseases to people. Despite an extraordinary challenge in providing evidence, the majority of Chinese scientists assert this was the initial spark for the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

However, the Chinese government has stated officially the coronavirus was developed by the United States Army in a laboratory at Ft. Detrick, Maryland and then brought to China by either American service people or frozen fish items.

The idea of Chinese researchers unleashing clouds of virus-laden mosquitoes from their notoriously unsecure laboratories has caused enormous worry both inside and outside of China due to the mosquitoes' obstinate refusal to heed pleas to stop biting humans.

Beijing's most disadvantaged communities were resistant to vaccines in part because they were wary of the Chinese medical establishment in the wake of a series of pharmaceutical industry scandals.

Insects like mosquitoes could be used as mobile vaccine delivery systems, and this concept is not new. Scientists in Japan developed genetically modified insects in 2010 could inject vaccines into people using only a few droplets of their saliva. Vaccines against leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease typically spread by sand flies, were the main focus of the experiment, and they were administered using a strain of malaria-carrying mosquito.

In a similar vein to the recent Chinese experiment reported by the South China Morning Post, the Japanese scientists let swarms of pet mosquitoes to repeatedly bite laboratory mice and then declared the rate of vaccine transfer to their satisfaction.

Scientists from all around the world called the study a "fascinating proof of concept," and some even broached the topic of using mosquitoes to vaccinate wild animals. However, many shied away from the prospect of using these "flying syringes" on humans.

Clinical trials employing genetically engineered mosquitoes to inject live malarial parasites into human skin were done at the University of Washington in Seattle in September 2022. Parasites were also manipulated genetically to prevent illness in the test subjects. The purpose of this experiment was the same as of the Chinese: to induce an immunological response in the human subjects.

The mosquitoes used in the Seattle study were not released into the wild. Instead, each participant was told to place their arm over a small box contained hundreds of mosquitoes and was covered with a thin mesh. As people rubbed their skin against the mesh, mosquitoes happily bit them, delivering the modified parasites and causing significant inflammation and burning. It was "essentially a Chinese food takeaway container," as one participant put it, when asked what the mosquito box was made of.

"We use the mosquitoes like they're 1,000 small flying syringes," explained Dr. Sean Murphy of the University of Washington, bringing back the disastrous metaphor from the Japanese experiment in 2010.

The purpose of the Seattle study was not to determine the best method for dispersing vaccinations among the local mosquito population. The malarial parasites were difficult to inject with needles, therefore the mosquitoes were utilized as a cheaper alternative.

Researchers claimed it was a "promising" first step toward utilizing genetically modified parasites to inoculate against malaria and toward employing insects to administer the inoculations. However, only some of the subjects obtained protection from malaria, and it only lasted for a few months.

So, what could go wrong with Chinese Genetically Modified Flying Syringes developed in the Wuhan Laboratories?


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