Chuck Norris' Invasion USA movie played a significant role in bringing down communism in Romania.

It gave Romanian freedom fighters the courage and the know-how to take out their oppressive government and free them from communism. Most of Chuck Norris' early movies were relatively low budget "B" movies, but this one took a bit more to produce.

Fortunately for the cause of freedom from communist oppression, it had the effect to embolden partisans of Romania to shake off the oppression of communism. More people need to follow his lead and use it as the brave freedom fighters of Romania did to free themselves.

As you should know if you don't already, we are in the middle of the attempted communist overthrow of America.

Kamala Harris' father was a communist professor.

Barack Obama's father was a Marxist economist.

Petey Buttplug's father was a communist professor.

Fani Willis' father was a Black Panther.

The list goes on and on, but there aren't enough characters to list them all here. In the early 1990's Communist Party USA changed their name to the Congressional Progressive Caucus to deflect who they were and what they stand for. Every democrat member of congress is a member. That should tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the communist democrat party. The following is a list of Communist Party members currently serving in our nation's congress. The Congressional Progressive Caucus is now what the American Communist Party (Communist Party USA) call themselves; intended to deflect what they really stand for.

Source: Their own website:

Crush the commies!


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