
  • Communism has worked so well in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.that these supposed Americans believe that it will work in the United States.  If one looks at the centralization of power in Washington, D.C. and the revolving door between the US Government and Big Corporations, we, the United States are experiencing Communism currently.  These people want to overthrow the current system, which is Communist in nature, and institute their brand of Communism.  If we look at Russia in 1917, they had a Royal Autocracy and the Red Communists rose up to overthrow the Royal Autocracy and replace it with a Communist Autocracy.  In both cases, the citizens of Russia were treated exactly the same... as serfs!  This is the nature of Communism... it always leads to an Autocracy where the people are treated as the unwashed and ignorant masses while the Communists control all of the means of production and live the same at the elites which they have replaced.  Communism never works because man is evil and will always seeks his/her own benefit over the benefit of others.  Of course, the people Vivek is speaking to are the ignorant useful idiots who wil be used to overthrow the current hierarchy just to install a new hierarchy!  The useful idoits will be liquidated as soon as the new elites take power.

  • The MSM are covering for her as usual they are sick liars ViVek is absoultle correct

  • THE U.S.A.'s Demented and Dilluded Liberals are in for a barrage of Conservative Retorts right through NOVEMBER 5TH.  VIVEK is Just Getting Us Started.

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