(PatriotHQ) The U.S. government has become so dirty that it looks more like the Mafia than a government.
We are just state slaves. Congress spends like drunken sailors comes from us.
People who work for the Biden administration keep saying that we are not in a recession, even though Covid restrictions caused too much inflation and slowed the economy to a crawl. Because of how bad the economy is, the number of Americans who are out of work is growing at an alarming speed. But the Biden administration, with help from Congress, is still sending billions of Tax-Dollar to Ukraine, even though the American people are in trouble.
Also, even though there are a lot of unemployed and homeless Americans, our borders are still welcome to criminals and people who just want to come and take. I’ve recently several families with children lived in vans in the parking lot of a Walmart. A police officer told me that the families didn’t have jobs and couldn’t pay rent. I also saw a man wash his kids in Walmart’s men’s bathroom. The economy is in bad shape, inflation is high, families are homeless, the job market looks bad, and Congress is still spending our Tax-Dollar like drunken sailors.
In fact, Congress looks at bills that limit our freedoms or violate our rights, like the Disrespect for Marriage Trick, which passed in the Senate because 12 RINOs voted with the Democrats to pass it. I wasn’t surprised to see Richard Burr (R-NC), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Tom Tillis (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) on the list of people who have betrayed their party. They are called “Republicans (RINOs), and they always vote with Democrats to move the global fascist agenda forward.
In fact, every law that Congress passes hurts the people of the United States. I can’t find a single law that looks at inflation, unemployment, or people living on the streets. Democrats say that the Inflation Reduction Acts helped with inflation and unemployment, but that’s just another lie from them, and I’ll explain why.
The goal of the Inflation Reduction Acts was to pass laws about climate change and give your ax-Dollar from taxpayers to scams related to green energy.
Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment A ct (ARRA) was continued by the Inflation Reduction A ct (IRA) (ARRA). The goal of the IRA was to pass laws about climate change and use the Tax-Dollar from taxpayers to pull green energy scams. The IRA was made to make carbon-based fuels more expensive, which will cause a lot of inflation and unemployment on its own. The Inflation Reduction A ct also did what else?
The IRA gave the funding Program Office $ 11.7 billion so that it could help green energy scams obtain funding. It added about $ 100 billion to programs which were already in place. Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Financing Program (section 1706), a $ 250 billion funding program, was also added to the IRA.
Energy.gov says that the Inflation Reduction A ct of 2022 was the single biggest infusion in climate and energy in U.S. history, and it also helped make the environment fairer. Promoting “environmental justice” and “investing in climate and green energy” can’t lower inflation or create jobs for the American people. The most important thing to know is that the Inflation Reduction A ct, like Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment A ct, gave billions of Tax-Dollar to green energy companies. So, let’s look at how the American people benefited from Obama’s ARRA.
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment, A ct of 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy gave green and alternative energy companies funding worth millions. Democrats and their media say that Solyndra and other green energy companies that got millions from ARRA helped create jobs and ended the recession of 2008. Let’s look at that claim and see how many additional people Solyndra hired after it got the funding from the government.
In September 2009, $ 535 million in Tax-Dollar was given to Solyndra. Solyndra went out of business in July 2011, less than two years after it started. The Republican Committee on Energy and Commerce said:
“Since the funding guarantees ended in September 2009, Solyndra has had some funding problems… The company shut down one of its factories, laid off workers, and delayed expanding the plant that got the funding guarantees. This meant that they couldn’t go on a hiring spree that was supposed to add as many as 1,000 more jobs.
The answer is that Solyndra didn’t hire any people after the funding and even fired some of the people they already had. It is not true that the American Recovery and Reinvestment A ct (ARRA) ended the 2008 recession and made more jobs available. And based on the FTX/Ukraine scam, I would bet that a good chunk of the $ 535 millin was laundered and sent back to wealthy Democrats.
We already live in a fascist government.
Also, a lot of the funding Congress spends goes to the military industrial complex, and some of that funding goes back to the politicians. But we, the people, don’t have any way to make Congress answer to us or even slow them down. No matter how corrupt the Biden administration or Congress is, we can’t hold them responsible because they control the federal police and the Department of Justice. We can’t do anything to halt them. In fact, we live under a fascist dictatorship!
Also, the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic because representatives no longer work for the people who voted for them. Instead, they work for special interest groups and corporations that pay them funding. The Republicans and Democrats who voted for the Disrespect for Marriage A ct didn’t represent the people who voted for them, but rather the gay lobby. They don’t give a crap about the people who elected them. Most representatives are there make a career ahead in politics and make more funding for themselves.
Even though Congress regularly sends billions and weapons of mass destruction to countries like Ukraine, we the people can’t halt it. They have the power and the FBI, which is like the Gestapo, to cover up their crimes and silence their political opponents. We can’t rid ourselves of these dishonest politicians because there is no way for honest people to be elected into Congress. We live in a fascist state where the people have no power and are forced to work for the state by paying taxes for wasteful and harmful things. People who live under a socialist government are slaves because of this.
In the end, the US government has become so corrupt that it looks more like the Mafia than a government. Everything that the government and the media tell us it is a straight-up lie. They may say that we are not in a recession, but the fact that more families are out of work and without homes shows that they are wrong. And don’t think that Congress will do anything to help the people of the United States.
We are just state slaves, and Congress spends our Tax-Dollar like drunk sailors.
Lets put Congress on a diet and then get them in AA