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  • Great man. Other Republicans should support him but they're spineless. 

    • Mary Kay, not spineless but complicit in TREASON!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mr. Cruz, a lot of evil from the deMoncrats can happen in less than two years, as we are now seeing. I just pray we will not be a complete police state by then.

  • In a sane world where it is acknowledged that seven states failed to conduct a valid election and the constitution was then followed, Trump would still be the president and we would not have to put up with Biden.

  • How sad we don't have 50 Ted Cruz in the senate but their are millions of Trump supporters and we will not give our country to a socialist government that easy.

    • Lorenzo, there are only 6 or 7 like Cruz in the senate.  The rest are like upchuck schumer, diane frankenstein, nutty nan pelosi, adam pile of schiff, etc!!!!!!!!!!

  • The U.N.has to go. They have a lot to do with this TREASON.

    • It should never have been created in the first place. The United States representative in the drawing up of the UN Charter was a communist, Algier Hiss, the personal friend of Eleanor Roosevelt who prodded her husband into confirming that traitor.

    • That's what Trump said and he was right.

  • I expect to see them go full Hitler inside of 6 months!!!!!!!!!!

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