With the Radicals in charge, the policies of the Socialist Left will be on full display.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 28, 2021
Don’t be surprised when Democrats overreach. #Verdicthttps://t.co/sDGGm5Siji pic.twitter.com/jWVhc5UlCg
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Great man. Other Republicans should support him but they're spineless.
Mary Kay, not spineless but complicit in TREASON!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Cruz, a lot of evil from the deMoncrats can happen in less than two years, as we are now seeing. I just pray we will not be a complete police state by then.
In a sane world where it is acknowledged that seven states failed to conduct a valid election and the constitution was then followed, Trump would still be the president and we would not have to put up with Biden.
How sad we don't have 50 Ted Cruz in the senate but their are millions of Trump supporters and we will not give our country to a socialist government that easy.
Lorenzo, there are only 6 or 7 like Cruz in the senate. The rest are like upchuck schumer, diane frankenstein, nutty nan pelosi, adam pile of schiff, etc!!!!!!!!!!
The U.N.has to go. They have a lot to do with this TREASON.
It should never have been created in the first place. The United States representative in the drawing up of the UN Charter was a communist, Algier Hiss, the personal friend of Eleanor Roosevelt who prodded her husband into confirming that traitor.
That's what Trump said and he was right.
I expect to see them go full Hitler inside of 6 months!!!!!!!!!!