De-Evolution Turns People Into Animals

de-hominisation-montage-600-px-tiny-April-2017-Darren-Naish-Tetrapod-Zoology.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) When G*d is removed from the culture then society has no moral compass and people revert to animals. Such is the plight with the collapsing American society. Without standards there can be no respect, without respect lawlessness fills the void and society turns into a jungle.

Think this is bunk? How about the Florida sheriff who blames "degrading" American institutions for increased youth violence, turning a society into a jungle run by animals.

Three Florida kids were murdered, and two were arrested. One suspect remains.

Marion County, a Florida Sheriff (name withheld). He said the suspects and minors who were killed "knew each other" and were a "gang."

After a Florida sheriff announced two teenage suspects had been captured and one was still at large, the nation was shocked by the horrific deaths of three Florida kids.

This is a prime example of animals killing in a jungle, but these animals were not protecting their young or foraging for food, they killed for the joy of murder!

Marion County, Florida, many in the Sheriff’s department mourned more than three young people's deaths. They were appalled about how society treats bad kids.

"Every day, our great American society gets worse, but this begs the question, why?

"The problem is we don't get to the root reason," he added. We enable them by not holding them accountable and downplaying their actions. They're mistreated. We wounded them."

"I'm here to reassure the close-knit community the Major Crimes detectives are working very hard to find out who did these terrible things," The Sheriff added and went on to say: "I'm simply a simple man. I simplify my perspective. Political correctness doesn't matter. Don't hold back. I tell the truth because my community wants it."

A 17-year-old male and two 16-year-old girls, Layla Silvernail and Camille Quarles, were shot and left for dead in a rural county north of Orlando on March 30 and April 1.

The Marion County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) arrested two 12- and 17-year-old teens for the triple murder. Runaway 16-year-old.

"This whole thing is sad," "This scenario is awful. You have six teens, which is ruining my town and every community in this country where young people are getting into greater crime."

"I'm simple. I simplify my perspective. Political correctness isn't necessary.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention reports youth crime peaked in the mid-1990s and will decline until 2020. Since 2020, youth crime has increased.

As of January 2023, the Wall Street Journal reports the highest number of under-14 homicides in almost 20 years. Philadelphia saw 81 youth shootings in 2021 and 2022. 153 in New York City, the most in six years, and 16 in Washington, D.C., up 56% from 2021.

Shooting-related youth incarceration has also increased. 117 Philadelphians, 124 New Yorkers, and 214 Washingtonians were arrested in 2022.

Everyone ignores or denies it. They're everywhere. "They have gangs," "They're a gang without a plan. They fight each other and proclaim, and reduced their lives into a basic form of  de-evolution,  animals killing for the pure joy of bringing death.

Woods urged parents and teachers to better raise children and held violent offenders accountable.

People assume I and others are tough. We feel. My kids. I understand. We avoid discussing the real issues, he remarked. We want to focus on something inanimate. The gun didn't knock on their door, enter their room, and say, "Hey, let's go kill someone today. Horrible!

Many are agreeing with the Sheriff department. "We must start holding these kids accountable," he added. Their parents matter more. American parents? Parents are responsible for their children."

My residents agreed parents and schools are accountable for youth violence.

If schools are held accountable, these kids will go to juvenile court sooner. This is the only way to change America."

To reduce crime, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, has a lifelong youth curfew. Woods also suggested America return to its roots and seek a social rebirth to help its kids and solve the problem.

"Return to faith and values." 

In conclusion. Remove all moral restraints and immortality is the mode of operating, and why not? Where is the example of goodness and a wholesome family? If it is ok to cheat in elections, remove the Bible from the classroom, teach freedom without responsibility then what will be the result?

Unfortunately, youth turning into animals, animals running society into the ground and a jungle grow up. Think this is too crazy to understand? Then how is violence and a vacuum of principles explained?

What is your explanation? 

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