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  • Based on the Dems tenacious advocacy against voter ID, but for illegal immigrants to be given amnesty so they would eventually become democrat voters, it's no surprise this guy did this. And based on their record of unprecedented preponderance of wicked behavior they continue to exhibit; they are most certainly considering unscrupulous ways to win the November election. It's their DNA!!!!

  • But nothing will come of it. Besides it's Biden and his cheating crew who need locked up.

  • They are all in this together. Think January 6 was staged?

  • Yep, and it looks like the US is far from "done" as the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and the press works as advertised . . . . . AGAIN! 

    The Truth is like a lion. You don't need to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. - Saint Augustine

  • Unbelievable, we are so done!!!

  • Knowing our electoral system is corrupt will not stop election fraud...  Instead, knowing it exists and doing nothing effective to stop it WILL ONLY ENCOURAGE MORE ELECTION FRAUD... not less.

  • Interresting - so what is going to be done about this? 

    • The RNC  and DNC will do nothing effective to secure our ballot boxes from fraud... and why should they as those being elected by fraud suffer no serious consequences.  

      RIGGED ELECTIONS are their ticket to reelection and retained power... Expect them to talk about it, and to use sporadic prosecution... making it appear they are correcting the problem... while they pass new legislation that makes it EASIER to fix elections... not to secure them... Election Fraud is their bread and butter for staying in power...

    • We must do what we can, as long as it is the next right thing, and have faith that the Good Lord will take care of the rest. And in that is the most profound peace that defies all understanding.

    • There is a lot more we can do... legally and peacefully.  

      1) Go on strike... withhold our labor except those critical and essential services needed to maintain the people's safety and security... Remain at home until the current elected and appointed officials ALL... resign... subject to new legitimate elections and appointments... Leave home only to attend well-coordinated and PEACEFUL assemblies that demonstrate the people's will to remain on strike until the government resigns (Local and Federal.

      2) Engage in massive, peaceful passive-aggressive demonstrations... that safely impede government agency access, slowing down the bureaucracy to a crawl.

      3) Initiate a national tax avoidance campaign ... increase our W2 withholdings to the maximum permitted and delay filing estimated taxes as long as possible.  Avoid all large purchases and sales taxes.

      4) Primary every sitting politician... get rid of the current cabal of elected representatives... no more incumbents.  Let God sort out the good from the bad.

      5) Stop funding either major party... no more cash contributions or volunteer work.

      6) Demand an Article 5 Constitutional Convention be called... sue the Congres if they will not CALL the convention...  41 States have open applications for the Convention and Congress is refusing to call one.  34 states are all that need to apply for a convention before Congress MUST call a convention. 

      Use the Convention to pass a RECALL and TERM Limits Amendment... recall all of the elected and appointed officials subject to new elections and appointments... get rid of them all. by Amendment.  Establish ONE TERM of 6 years, with 1/3rd of the elected and appointed officials standing for election and appointment every 2 years. 

      Pass a balanced budget amendment requiring Congress to pass a balanced budget every year or to shut down those non-essential elements of the Governmetn until the budget is balanced.

      7) Get the state governments to defend their borders ... petition them to detain and remove the invaiders from their state territory.  If the Federal Government interferes, arrest the federal agents for interfering with local law enforcement, aiding and abetting, felony harboring, and accessory to the invader's criminal activity.

      Many other things can be legally and peacefully done to reign in the overreach of government.... however, it will take a committed effort by the people... to organize and fund the process... Hundreds of Billions will be needed to persuade the States and Congress to act on these suggestions and others... calling for reform.

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