(PatriotHQ) Yup, fat-cat Dems demand more taxes from the rich but exclude paying more taxes on their millions! This is on top of free health insurance, pension benefits, Congressional privilege, and bodyguard protection they receive from the taxpayer at not cost to them!
However, don’t feel bad if you may not be a millionaire, the Dems fat-cats also will be raising taxes on the middleclass! WHAT!!!! Keep reading!
"Patriotic Millionaires" (Fat-Cats) on the left don't want to pay higher taxes on their own.
Tuesday, the socialist "Patriotic Millionaires" wouldn't pay higher taxes on their own.
The left-wing Patriotic Millionaires first got together in 2010 to try to get rid of the tax cuts George W. Bush had put in place. Morris Pearl, a former executive at BlackRock, is in charge of the ‘no more taxes for me’ group. Among its members are "filmmaker Abigail Disney, technologist Steve Silberstein, lawyer Roberta Kaplan, investor Lawrence Benenson of Benenson Capital Partners, textile entrepreneur Great Neck Richman, philanthropist Molly Munger, and corrugated cardboard magnate Dennis Mehiel."
On Tuesday, the group held a news conference with leftist lawmakers like Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who is the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), and Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA).
Stephen Moore, who helped start the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, asked the so-called "patriotic millionaires" if they would be willing to pay the federal government more money on their own.
Moore said the wealthy on the left said:
"won't sign a promise to pay the taxes they support."
Abigail Disney, the heiress to the Walt Disney Company, said, "It's time for a new tax code requires those who have gotten the most out of America's economic system to put a big chunk of money back into our society instead of letting them build up fortunes so big they threaten our democracy."
When Moore gave the liberal millionaires the chance to promise to pay more taxes, they didn't take him up on it.
"It's all about changing the system," Pearl said.
Disney said it is "disingenuous" to say paying taxes voluntarily would lead to structural changes.
In 2019, Disney said to the Financial Times she was worth about $120 million.
The U.S. government can always get money from these so-called patriotic wealthy.
When she told CNBC a year ago, she doesn't believe in wealth transfer, the Disney heiress also seemed to go against what she had said a year before.
"I don't think sharing is necessary. But I think we need to think more carefully about pre-distribution, and maybe businesses should take less as owners and see workers as their true partners who deserve to share in gains just as much," she said.
"Capitalism is the unseen hand, when it works right, makes a kind of magic surplus. And it can still do without being this, you know, dangerous thing it has become," she said.
Moore said, "It's a little hypocritical when a bunch of millionaires get together to raise taxes but aren't willing to pay them themselves."
In conclusion. The fat-cat Dems don’t want to pay more taxes but will force others to pay more! But the secret they are not telling America is because of a sharp increase of inflation the middle-class will be defined as the ‘rich’ but without wealth! Think this is a joke? It has happened before and coming here soon!
Never forget this: Germany hyperinflation: loaf of bread, which cost 250 marks in January 1923, had risen to 200,000 million marks in November 1923. By autumn 1923 it cost more to print a note than the note was worth.
In today’s terms it reads like this: loaf of bread, which cost 2.50 dollars in January, could raise to over 2000.00 dollars by November. Then by autumn it cost more to price a dollar then the dollar is worth!
Can’t happen here! ...or can it?