
  • The take over by communists,global fascists and co-conspiring corrupt traitors.

    They have played and turned  their cog wheels while Americans slept..

    Last chance stand for Freedom.

  • Tell me something I don't know

  • The Supreme Court represents the America we all know and love. It has a resounding majority of conservative patriots who honor the legacy and ideas of our Founding Fathers, who wrote the most awesome constitution in the history of the universe. If elections were fair, conservatives would also win every single election 6 to 3.

  • Of course they do. That's the only way they can cheat with SCOTUS.


    How democratic of them! 

  • ATC (Anything to Cheat!!!)

  • Oh Yes and so what else is New??

    • Joe, You're right, nothing else is new..  The Communist want to take over every aspect of our Government and they'll stop at nothing to achieve this insurection...

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