My South Korean Sister In-law waited 14 years (April 2005 to June 2019), during which time millions of aliens came across the unsecure border or remained after their visas expired. There are in real time many like her on a list at the National Visa Center (NVC), who had to pass extensive criminal background investigations and physical examinations to get on the list, and still must wait more years to complete the process. All of which negates any moral or legitimate justification for any illegal immigrant to remain here. Former President Donald Trump has promised that if he wins the 2024 election, he will deport all of them. I propose the following way to accomplish it: a. They would be given one year to self-deport, and the privilege to return legally. However, during that year, no tax dollars would be committed for their support; and current employment prohibition would be strictly enforced.b. Anyone inadvertently discovered here during the normal course of law enforcement and/or other activities during that year; would be arrested and deported; and would still have the privilege to legally return.c. Those having proof of being born here would not be subject to arrest and deportation. Such children under age 18 would be placed in Foster Care; the same as courts do when their parent(s) is/are incarcerated or deemed to be unfit to care for them. The parent(s) would be deported and allowed to legally return. A temporary delay for deportation would be appropriate until foster care is arranged. And they would be allowed to legally return.d. Those found here after the one-year deadline would be prosecuted and deported; and would not be authorized to return. Their fingerprints and a DNA sample would be taken to ensure they could not return legally using a different or modified name. Anyone who returned illegally would be arrested, prosecuted, and deported.e. For each illegal immigrant hired; employers would be fined 50,000 thousand dollars; and imprisoned for a minimum of five years.f. Embargo and/or cessation of diplomatic relations, commerce, tourism; or a combination thereof, would be assessed against nations and/or territories that refuse to accept their citizens.g. An amendment to the constitution would be made to close the gaping loophole that allows children born to women who are here illegally, to automatically be deemed US citizens. The amendment would deem them citizens of the country or territory of the mother”.
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The bottom line is that based on the above stated facts; neither legitimate nor moral rationalization exist to justify any illegal immigrant to remain in this country. I would like to see Fox News interview during primetime broadcast, migrants whose names appear on The National Visa List who have been vetted and have been wafting 10 or more years to complete our immigration process. When Vice President Harris said they will continue to fight, she certainly meant that the party has no given up on keeping illegal immigrants here and to somehow orchestrate for them voting rights needed to vote the party into long-term dominant power. That is why wicked Joe Biden stopped securing the border on his first day in office and is responsible for over eight million migrants from around the world illegally coming here during his tenure, among whom in include criminals and ruthless gangs. I believe the mass deportation method above would be the most viable and successful way to accomplish it.
The bottom line is that based on the above stated facts; neither legitimate nor moral rationalization exist to justify any illegal immigrant to remain in this country. I would like to see Fox News interview during primetime broadcast, migrants whose names appear on The National Visa List who have been vetted and have been wafting 10 or more years to complete our immigration process. When Vice President Harris said they will continue to fight, she certainly meant that the party has no given up on keeping illegal immigrants here and to somehow orchestrate for them voting rights needed to vote the party into long-term dominant power. That is why wicked Joe Biden stopped securing the border on his first day in office and is responsible for over eight million migrants from around the world illegally coming here during his tenure, among whom in include criminals and ruthless gangs. I believe the mass deportation method above would be the most viable and successful way to accomplish it.