
  • He's doing what he's told by Obama, Soros and their deep state. 

  • Republicans fear of being in charge of the government they are spineless cowards Republicans who got to go time to elect leaders that put America first we are not Santa Clause to the world 

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    • Yes; that's why I say we should bring back the pillory.


    • Sounds good to me.


    • I second that, Melanie and Lopez... 

      However, don’t be surprised when more PIGs show up to wallow in their own excrement.  It seems that Pigs simply have no shame... or honor… when it comes to devouring other people’s livelihood. 

      Instead of throwing slop at Pigs, throw an old-fashioned Southern-style Pork Barbeque with the local GOP Pig standing goof for the Pork and his constituents furnishing the charcoal, pit, and trimmings.

  • Our Republicans leaders should be saying this 24/7 and force them to cover their corruption 

    • Absolutely Loenzo... the GOP/RNC has enough open field in front of them to control the political narrative with a touchdown in November... however, they are simply not interested in winning or when they do, in having a mandate to dominate the field, scoring more conversions and touchdowns.  They are not interested in reforming government. Instead, they support the status quo... and their own playbook of tyranny.

    • Some of the Republicans are in the same boat as the Democratic party what do we expect? This a new norm in America 


    Conservatives are the new Jews in Nazi America

  • After listening to TRAITOR JOE's latest speeches, I have to agree.  I wonder when he is going to try to use the US Military after the people who disagree with him.  I know that thought should be unthinkable, but with Biden, I wonder!

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