
    • Not only unthinkable but unconstitutional. It would clearly be an impeachable act.

  • Yes, he's perfectly correct.

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  • The fact that many, if not most, Americans do not understand how our government was structured by the Founding Fathers to be a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy is a testament to the sabotaging of our educational system over the last 60 years. It was gradually and deliberately done, because the left has always known that an ignorant population is a compliant population. If all the other common sources of knowledge (news media, pop culture and even, in some cases, the Church) are also under their control, the level of not just empty-headed ignorance, but of people whose minds are filled with false information, is monumental.

  • dementia is merely the bobble head puppet !!!!! I believe fuhrer obama is the one behind the curtain giving the orders and his minions like susan rice are pulling the strings!!!!!  This nation is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy!!!!!  There is a democratic system used to vote people into office but it is not a pure democracy!!!!!  I wish conservatives would stop referring to America as a "democracy" and the devildemocommiecrat party as the "democratIC party", there is NOTHING DEMOCRATIC about the devildemocommiecrat party!!!!!!!!!!

    • Me too, Bob.

  • I would have more respect for the opinions of those like D'Souza if he would stop referring to our Republic as a democracy. We are supposedly a land of constituional law, not the rantings of a democrat mob.

    • Everyone, especially the talking heads on Fox and elsewhere, should heed that fact.


    • Technically  America is a Constitutional Republic...  with a democratic system (elections) for selecting our government representatives. The Republic is defined by Constitutional LAW... and our representatives are democratically elected... they are not appointed or selected by any other system... such as a Heraldry or peerage system of representation.. 

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