The Most Confusing Part About “Abolish the Police” People |

Whether “Defund the Police” actually means dismantling police departments, as it appears to in Minneapolis, or is an attempt to gaslight conservatives while neutering law enforcement, one thing is certain: The party yelling to “defund the police” is the same one that desperately wants to disarm the citizenry, rendering them utterly defenseless.

Leftists, and increasingly the Democratic mainstream, have long assured Second Amendment advocates that they simply have no need for firearms, specifically semiautomatic guns, which the left deems “assault rifles.”

Notwithstanding that rights aren’t derived from what one “needs,” particularly when the person discerning necessity is a combative third party, conservatives reject the left’s claim. Not only does the Second Amendment ensure that Americans’ right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but it is inherent within a person’s natural rights to defend himself and his property.

The Proof Is in the Looting

That principle proved true over the last few weeks, as the nation has witnessed responsible citizens defending themselves, their businesses, and the property of others with ample firepower. In one particularly notable scene, a law-abiding gun owner disarmed an apparent rioter after the rogue lefted a semiautomatic rifle from the backseat of an abandoned police car. In another, a group of men, both black and white, stood armed outside a tobacco store to protect the business from looters.

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  • Progressives want to end private gun ownership and defund the police. What's left? Outlawry and nihilism.

  • Anyone with more than 2 brain cells just need to watch the news. No, no, I will keep my weapons. These leftist cowards come to my house, they just need to smile when they see the flashes.

  • They want to open up the prisons too!.............How Castroish of them!

  • They want our guns so they have CONTROL over us!  From My Cold Dead Hands!!!

  • Let them try to take my guns and they will first take the bullet I fire from it.

  • Taking our guns will make it easier to take us.

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