
  • well, well now we all know that the Democrats is going to use the coronavirus to destroy the reputation of Donald Trump this video proof it. I will vote for Donald Trump come november.

  • Keeping life-saving drugs away from patients who later died as a result of being denied life-saving drugs... should result in those denying those drugs being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Doctors and patients need to be the deciding factors in all treatments used... not some bureaucrat or isolated medial staff, unfamiliar with the patient's history or the actual efficacy of a treatment.

  • i bet whoever fired this doctor for attending a white coat summit is first in line for black friday

  • Dr. Simone Gold will prevail but we are all in good hands because President Trump knows how to tackle covid better than anyone else in the country or in the world for that matter. I think it is amazing that he finds someone like Dr Stella Immanuel and that he then taps into her tremendous medical insights. I am sick of Fauci running the show. He has done a terrible job and needs to be fired. Hire Dr. Immanuel instead!!!

  • Hydroxychloroquine works and has a 65 year history, cost ten dollars per patient. The replacement being touted has not been tested yet and while it costs about ten dollars to produce it is planned to charge four thousand per patient.

    • I agree with you on principle but the cost to produce the med may be only $10.00 but it is the cost of research that jacks up the price. Add to that the money spent by that company in research that costs a lot but never found to be productive and the non-return of those research funds. So, the pharmacies balance out their wins and losses to offset unproductive research and there you might find a better balance.

    • It doesn't cost $10 to produce chloroquine; that's the cost to the patient (more or less). So there is little no profit to Big Pharm in the prescription or sale of this medication. And that's the rub. If you look at the negative "studies" they all say that chloroquine is not effecting in treating coronavius, but it is uaed prophylactically, i.e.,at the point that someone has tested positve. And now not only are the biggie wiggies telling us that this or that new  (and very expensive) experimental drug is better than chloroquine but they are making it impossible for those who see a positive role for the medicine even to speak in our public forums. Can you say "corporate fascism"?

    • I hope you are doing your home work and researching all of the variables here. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are working together on this deadly vaccine. CBS interviewed Gates and he said that the human trials that are noe ongoing has produced 80% failures with bad side affects. Gates has been kicked out of at least 7 3rd world countries for maiming and killing over 47,000 chidren with his vaccine give away. Gates was interviewed by CNN a few years back and stated that  the way to reduce the population of the world is with vaccines, most people are open to vaccines. The entire main stream conspiracy news media is going after these doctors for reporting the truth. The main stream conspiracy news media is owned by the banksters/globalists who are hell bent on destroying this nation. If you only get your news from the conspiracy news networks then you will never get to the truth. Try,,, the horn,, black eye, and there are many more. Google is wanting to shut down any conservative websites.

  • The left are a threat to the human conditiin.

  • I smell a big big lawsuit. And a lot of money exchanging hands. 

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