
  • Alright, who told him... amazing,  Eric is waking up to find the DC crowd has weaponized the government and most of our civil institutions against his father and family... I am glad I didn't have him as a junior officer under my command ... I don't like waking up to find the enemy occupying my TOC.

    Oh, and the unshaven scrub... what's that about?  I guess I am just an old curmudgeon... and don't visit many country clubs or golf courses.  A little late to defend Doctors who supported alternative care for COVID, where were they 2yrs ago?  Swamp a new concept?  Failed to understand how large it is... and we expect such individuals to anticipate and plan for America's recovery.  Do they even know who the Dragon is... and if not why not? Perhaps they don't want to name the dragon... the swamp... what could be behind such diversion?

    Tin Foil hats knew the FBI, CIA, and the administrative government, in general, were not to be trusted... and TRUMP didn't know?

  • The release of the J6 political prisoners should be a PRIORITY NUMBER ONE for Speaker McCarthy... he should order them released immediately.   If not he should pass a Houses Referendum removing the current DC Government and appointing an interim mayor and counsel... Then fire the chief of police, his deputy, and all the prosecutors handling the J6 political prisoners.

    McCarthy's FAILURE to address this massive miscarriage of justice should be grounds to remove him... where is the one vote to remove him if he failes to release the J6 captives post haste... today ... now.  This should be a prima facia case to test his true intent to support the conservative wing of the GOP...

    • Agreed

    •   He can do more then one thing at a time. He's already brought up the J6 prisoners, he's also talked about the 8700 armed IRS agents. Truth is, EVERYTHING the liberals have done is in the last 2 plus years is priority #1! The problem he has is the RINOS in office. He could have stopped that years ago, he didn't do it! 

    • No, everything is not priority 1.... the Jan 6th prisoners are being held without trial... and many without charges or arraignment.  This matter can be quickly resolved with a House Resolution (doesn't require presidential or us senate approval)... and if necessary repeal the Un-Constitutional Home Rule Resolution, returning the governance of Washington, DC1 to the members of Congress as intended by our founding fathers. 

      How long does it take to pass a House Resolution (one page) with a list of names to be released? Release every single individual in the DC Jail who has not been charged or arraigned...   in the past 2yrs... This is a clear violation of the right to a speedy trial by US Citizens;... See 6th Amendment. 18 U.S. Code Chapter 208 - SPEEDY TRIAL | U.S. Code | US Law | LII ... 

      I would remind everyone that 'Statutory Law', such as the Patriot Act, is inferior to Constitutional Law... Statutory Law has no authority to remove any of our Constitutional protections including speedy trial.


      18 U.S. Code Chapter 208 - SPEEDY TRIAL
    • P/S 

      The empty rhetoric of McCarthy does nothing to release the J6 prisoners...  He needs to Draft and pass the necessary Congressional Resolution to fire the DC ruling cabal and if the welfare residents riot call out the national guard and round them all up... Don't let them intimidate Congress.  Put them ALL in prison for insurrection and keep them there... Release the illegally detained J-6 Political Prisoners... immediately.

      Congress governs the DC and doesn't need the President to approve anything they do regarding the management of the DC area.  The Speaker of the House has great powers regarding the management of DC...  THE SPEAKER NEEDS TO FREE THE J6 PRISONERS ON AN EXPEDITED BASIS OR BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE...  DO IT NOW, not one more day...


      Trump Nov. 3rd 2020. (The people’s President).

      *Peace in the Middle East. (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, etc).

      *Iran quiet.

      *Afghanistan quiet.

      *Korea quiet.

      *China in check and increasing trade.

      *USA feared & respected at NATO.

      *NATO members started paying their fair share.

      *Illegal immigration stopped at southern border.

      *Best economy in years.

      *New businesses booming.

      *Cost of gas ($1.43 June 1st. 2020). Trump was shooting for a national base of $1.50.

      *USA #1 producer of gas & oil in the world.

      *FAIR trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.


      Biden (The Party’s President).

      BORDER CRISIS- millions of illegals with drugs, diseases, human trafficking, etc.

      FOOD & MEDICAL SHORTAGE- up 10% plus.

      INFLATION- Up 18% average. Worse inflation since 1980, next will be total shutdown.

      CRIME- up 40%.

      ENERGY CRISIS- Biden gave away our military oil reserve to China.

      VACCINE MANDATE- He changed the vaccines in May of 2020 so he can poke children and is now forcing an illegal vaccine mandate which has caused a worker shortage.

      SUPPLY CHAIN DISASTER- With no sign of getting better.


          As Americans stare at this incompetent, illegal Presidency, while the Democrats show incessant focus on January 6th while pushing Socialist values and denying Democratic high crimes, while Russia and China are seizing the opportunity to realize their global ambitions during Biden's rudderless leadership and with his assistance, now, as Putin has an all-out blitz on Ukraine, the American people are facing an unparalleled disaster! It's a bleak time for Americans!  BTW, Zelinsky just bought his parents a $8 million villa complete with a saltwater pool and a new car each. Thanks Joe!

         To the Sheep that voted Biden, we had people like you before our own revolutionary war (they were British sympathizers called Tories). The people finally had enough, they were arrested for treason and hung! I hope your children forgive you in time!



    • The Peoples's President?   My guess is all but a few of the 800 plus, charged in the supposed J6 insurrection may have a different view... over 85 remain in jail awaiting trial.  Pres. Trump could have pardoned most of those involved before leaving office. I wonder how Gen Flynn and Rodger Stone feel about the people's President? Sorry but loyalty is a very important Character Trait in my eyes. Loyalty is a two-way street... not a one-way express route for Pres. Trump.  You don't leave the wounded on the Battle Field or run away from one's troops while under fire.

    • What sheep...  Sheep don't vote.  The evidence and claims of fruad indicate he was elected by electronic balloting wizardry.  It appears that he is s a complete fraud.

    • You and I are on the same page Colonel Nelson. This is an excerpt from a letter I recently sent to Florida Congressman Byron Donalds: "This letter is to convince you that Republicans would be negligent and derelict of duty if they fail to impeach President Joe Biden, Vice President (VP) Kamala Harris, and Homeland Security Secretary (HSS) Alejandro Mayorkas. Because all three have committed acts not only counter to their obligatory priority, i.e., to orchestrate 24/7 optimum defense against foreign threats to our sovereignty, security, and safety, but also are in explicit violation of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986. Therefore, I was astonished when incoming Majority House Leader, Kevin McCarthy only promised to impeach HSS Mayorkas for mishandling border security; because failing to include President Biden and VP Harris provided legitimate cause to question his judgement. Of course, President Biden and VP Harris should have been the first culprits announced, Biden for stopping construction designed to finally secured the grossly dilapidated southwest border in accordance with IRCA, and VP Harris and HHS Mayorkas for consistently lying to deceive citizens that the border is secure. All three officials de facto abdicated their obligatory priority to protect our sovereignty, security, and safety, which begins at our borders, and at ocean and air debarkation terminals. Therefore, they are liable for continuous illegal entry of migrants and deadly drugs into this country via the unsecure border. According to subparagraph (D) under “Criminal Penalties” on page 24 of IRCA, their actions have encouraged, aided, and abetted illegal entry of migrants and lethal drugs into this country. According to Title 18, US Code, they warrant fines and imprisonment for not more than five years or both for each alien known to have illegally entered this country. course, democrat governors and mayors who are giving sanctuary and harboring illegal immigrants also warrant punishment in accordance with Title 18, US Code. That would bankrupt and get the culprits imprisoned for the remainder of their wicked lives. 

      The one-day of rioting and vandalism at the US Capital Building January 6, 2021, pales in polar contrast to the ongoing duration and magnitude of threats to our sovereignty, security, safety, and law and order that emanates from the unsecure border and sanctuaries for illegal immigrants, not to mention the billions of tax-funded benefits they receive annually; while homeless citizens reside on city streets, under bridges, and in parks. This is a slam-dunk case for impeachment that should go forth, even though there would be no conviction because democrat senators would prevent the two thirds vote criterion required for conviction; however, it would put them on record for all citizens to witness that they also do not give a damn about our sovereignty, security, safety, and freedoms".

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