
  • It is viewers they exist on. Turn them off. Dont support them!!!

  • Don't watch MSM anymore. They lie by omission.

  • All of the main street media are liars

  • Adults know they're both trash propaganda machines and nothing more.


    This means they are protecting international tresspassers (Illegal Aliens) from being discovered and lieing to the American citizens by omission. 

    ABC/CBS is betraying their profession and their country for the benefit of their narrative. 

  • I wish we could deport everyone at ABC and CBS. 

  • Yep, cannot tell the whole story. Makes me really want to watch their news shows HuH!! LOL wonder what else they are conviently leaving  out?? Not lying just not telling  the whole story. 

    • Truthfully, what the MSM reports, or the way they report their version of news, can be called "lying by omission".

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