If you believe the only reason the Liberals in the Democrat Party are demanding open borders and the free flow of undocumented aliens into America is to get more voters, then you will be shocked to learn there is more to this saga than what you have been told!
It’s not what you think!
Ask yourself this question: Why are there so many elderly liberal Democrat leaders who either hold office or are power brokers? Where is the younger generation?
EXPOSED! The Democrat Party faces an undeniable demographic danger: an aging leadership with few young replacements in sight. This predicament is not simply a matter of a political cycle or generational shift but a reflection of the ideological trajectory the party has taken over the decades. In its pursuit of liberal social progressivism, the Democrat Party has distanced itself from traditional family structures—historically the bedrock of generational continuity—leading to an absence of a younger demographic to sustain its ranks.
The enormous progressive liberal base has abandoned the traditional family structure for alternative lifestyles, but in doing so, they have also abandoned their natural future by shunning the overwhelming segment of society that is the heterosexual family-driven base.
Liberal progressives labeled heterosexuals as breeders and birthers and ridiculed men by falsely labeling them as toxic males or sexual supremacists. They misled heterosexual females into believing that they must have an abortion to protect their rights! Furthermore, the frantic alternative cult is actively working to stifle heterosexual desires in children by circumventing parental consent and sexually altering them in the name of freedom and rights, leaving behind a legacy of sexually altered children who are incapable of reproducing!
The Democrat dogma is nothing more than the ‘War On Babies’ but now that war has given birth to a dilemma of epic proportion with no solution in sight!
All this equals one thing. The terminating either by choice or alternative lifestyle from creating a future generation to inherit the liberal progressive Democrat platform, thus a vacuum of young people is growing exponentially!
Look at it this way. For decades, Democrats have embraced policies and cultural narratives that de-emphasize and criticize the traditional nuclear family. The party has championed alternative lifestyles, gender fluidity, sexual change in children, and confusing the definition of ‘what is a woman’ or ‘men can have babies’ and LGBTQ+ rights while simultaneously promoting ideas that quash traditional family values. The sharp cultural shift away from heterosexual, procreative relationships have direct implications for population growth and generational sustainability.
The support for abortion rights, for example, has been a pillar of the Democratic platform. While framed as a matter of women’s autonomy and health, the cumulative effect of decades of legalized and widely accessible abortion has drastically reduced birth rates within Democratic strongholds.
Similarly, the rise of LGBTQ+ advocacy has led to fewer procreative unions. As same-sex couples cannot naturally reproduce within their relationships, the absence of traditional heterosexual family structures diminishes the organic generational replenishment of Democrat voters.
Democratic rhetoric has increasingly alienated those who adhere to traditional gender roles and heterosexual relationships. The party has embraced narratives that portray men as 'toxic males', especially conservative masculinity, once admired as those who fought in the wars and protected the family were ridiculed as noxious and outdated. By vilifying the concept of the nuclear family and labeling traditional gender norms as oppressive, the party has further distanced itself from those who historically replenished voter bases through natural generational succession.
To avoid upsetting the sizable alternative lifestyle base, the secret solution to the Democrat dilemma was carefully designed and planned behind closed doors.
By recognizing the looming generational shortfall, liberal progressive Democrats have sought substitute means to replenish their voter base. Rather than embracing the importance of heterosexual family values, the party has turned to mass heterosexual human importation as their solution. The influx of aliens—most of whom come from traditional, Catholic, family-oriented cultures—presents a convenient opportunity to replace the diminishing younger demographic within the party.
By framing immigration as a humanitarian effort, liberal Democrats can simultaneously position themselves as the champions of the oppressed while ensuring a steady influx of younger individuals who can integrate into their voter base. The strategy is multi-layered:
- Demographic Replenishment—Migrant families bring with them a culture of strong family structures and high birth rates, ensuring a natural increase in younger voters and liberal leaders for the future.
- Economic and Political Leverage—Migrants often arrive in need of assistance, making them more likely to support the party that offers social programs and economic benefits. Additionally, if granted legal voting rights, they solidify a loyal voter bloc.
- Redefine Immigration: The benefit of the replenishing of the liberal base is overwhelming, and thus the term ‘No Man Is Illegal’ is code talk for all heterosexual men and their families who are willing to become progressive Democrats are welcome.
- Timing is Crucial: Democrat liberals cannot afford to wait years for the legal immigration process to unfold; they require an immediate infusion of younger people. Thus, the laws must be ignored, the constitution set aside, and law enforcement must be told to ‘stand down,’ also known as ‘Defund ICE’ and ‘Defund the Police’. Therefore, they must adopt the Democrat doctrine of 'Let Them In,' which includes open borders and unaccounted-for masses, as the norm. If it is not, then the Democrat Party will slowly die in rest homes.
But there is a problem. Maintaining a balance between two divergent bases is a challenging task. They must maintain their core progressive, sexually diverse base while simultaneously integrating the more traditional, heterosexual immigrant communities.
The challenge lies in presenting immigration as a means of social justice rather than a demographic necessity. To appease their existing base, they emphasize the moral duty of welcoming migrant aliens while subtly relying on the fact that these illegal aliens naturally embody the very family structures they have otherwise sidelined domestically.
The Democrat Party’s strategy of mass heterosexual human importation to replenish its younger ranks is an attempt to offset the demographic consequences of decades of progressive social policies. However, the long-term sustainability of this approach remains in question.
Can the liberal Democrats successfully integrate two fundamentally different cultural ideologies—one that embraces gender fluidity and individualistic autonomy, and another that upholds traditional family values?
Democrats may be in a moral bind if they keep pushing against traditional family structures while relying on them in immigrant communities. This could cause their coalition to fall apart in the future, and the party will be split over sexual preferences instead of political issues.
Final Word: By embracing a segment of sociality that does not bear children, this is nothing more than long-term euthanasia. This is one of the main reasons Trump is hated to such a depth: it is because he endorses a strong family structure, heterosexuality, and plain old-fashioned ‘baby making’.
WOW! You did it! We are front page top headline!!! https://canadafreepress.com/article/exposed-why-liberals-love-illegals
i copied and sent this article to about 10 Evangelical Churches yesterday
Awesome! This was the top headline for CanadaFreePress! And other groups are picking up on this! There will be a million reads within a week. Your comments will also be part of the readings
Well said Steve... I would sum it up by adding the Democrat Party wants to replace the traditional family with the party... Like all Marxists, the government is to replace the traditional family with the commune.
We made it to the top article WOW! https://canadafreepress.com/article/exposed-why-liberals-love-illegals
I think the crux of the matter is spiritual. They are actually anti-God and live in rebellion. Satan has blinded them and where they should be grateful to live in the greatest country ever, they hate it. Instead of being grateful to walk around free, read, eat, play, as they will—they are jealous, vindictive, corrupt, greedy,—and have willingly bought satan's agenda to destroy children, murder babies,—all while quibbling about emotional junk. They have zero understanding of anything. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 talks about minds being blinded in unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel, [and I would add, the light of truth about anything] that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Mind-blinding spirits are a stronghold, so not the easiest demonic spirit to deal with. The time is coming, however, and soon,—when deliverance will come into its fruition, and they will be very blessed if they seek it out. Or the right person sees them coming from a mile away and goes after him or her and delivers them from the jaws of satan.
IMO - If America truly wishes to assist the poor population in Mexico and other countries then the Religious groups (churches) should send missionaries into those lands in volume.
With Judeo/Christian teaching those people will reinvent themselves and within one generation the poor will gain dignity and wealth.....and they won't need to come here!
And THAT IS the job of the church. Go. Go. Go.
Yup! but where are they? Why aren't Churchs sending missionaries to Chicago? I think there is more Mexicans there than in Mexico!
1. The church is/was at this point, Matt.25:8-9. (to those who dwell in the house of the Master) "And to the foolish and the wise, "give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out."
Oil is the Holy Spirit's presence and purpose, as is water. Thus, those in the house of the Master are the Church: the Body of Christ and the Ekklesia.
Those are actually two different categories of His church. The church, or "body of Christ), through salvation, is saved. But the Ekklesia operates in power, authority and anointing. King James took OUT all references to Ekklesia, which means literally, God's governing Legislative body. In other words, it is Governmental. Taking it out created a passive church, as you have noted.
To grow, the church must have her new wineskin, as preached by Christ. She is in outdated clothes....passive, lazy, no authority, no mission to GO.
In Dan.2, she shut her doors and went inside. The church proved herself to be the "Worthless and lazy" church during Covid. This is the other parable to His church. Jesus takes away her wineskin............which we shall see.
2. Jesus preached. "GO. Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all the earth," and including Chicago. BTW, Scripture does not say, Preach the message of salvation. It says, "Preach the Kingdom of God is HERE." As on the earth.
3. His house has, until recently, been built only on teaching. (not the 5-fold of Apostolic, Prophetic, Teaching, Pastoring, Evangelizing)
But His Word states the foundation of the church is Apostolic and Prophetic, as in operating as Kings and Priests. That is the function of the Church.
Until now, the church as NOT even had the foundation upon which to stand and take authority. It has been the teaching and pastoring church for the most part.
It is the releasing of the A and P that fulfills the Kings and Priest's mandate by Christ. (Apostolic is King, Prophetic is Priest) In scripture, it was Melchizedek who operated in both anointings, as the King of Salem and Priest of El Elyon, translated as 'most high God.' Gen.14:18-20. This began being released about 20 years ago and is building.
"Go. Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all the earth" THAT is the order to the church.
The unction for "Go,..." coincides with Ezekiel, who was both Priest and Prophet.. In Ez.47, the waters arise around the Temple, from ankle height, then to the knees and then to the waist, and then to the shoulder—where there is no option except to swim in the currect. This is beautiful, as this is the symbolism is of the church growing into her ultimate and final fulfillment of anointing, power, authority, carrying the presence of God. Then, she is ready. TO GO.
Water i(and Oil) s always the power, presence and authority of Holy Spirit upon His people. This happens at HIS time, which is upcoming soon. It is coming....
All release of power and anointings are only by Holy Spirit—upon those who have proved to stand up for Him, seek Him first and fear the Lord. The Ekklesia. The one who governs, and with the A and P. It is SHE who cannot be stopped.
First: Judgement comes to the house: That has happened through various sexual exposures in Bickel's church and Daystar on tv. Maybe more. Cleansing of the Bride. Repentence,
Then: The mission to "Go, Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the earth," will bring us into the final harvest, which may take much time. THAT harvest is to be accompanied by signs, wonders and miracles, just as Jesus did on this earth. Billions still have not heard the word preached. And demonstrations of power must accompany the preaching of the Word. As darkness is lifted off of America and the nations, this mandate will be witnessed and grow and continue to grow.
Government is like the lid on a pressure cooker. A big God 'oops,' and off it goes that lid. We are witnessing this.
Trump, Elon are acting in a way as God's Apostle and Prophet. The things they are doing are all Biblical. Restore the broken walls, rebuild the ruined cities, is Biblical and Epic.
Things will happen. A year from now will be glorious. Right now, the scabs are being removed. The curtain's lifted. The wizard is being exposed and drained of his pus.
And you should know, the number of prophesies about Trump is astounding. And so it shall be. Amen.