America is being held captive to a new world order ENDORSED by both Political Parties... It is past time that we have TERM LIMITS and serious enabling legislation that targets POLITICAL CORRUPTION.

Gov. De Santis calls for a special session of the State legislature... to address key legislation that would enable the State of Florida to directly assist the Federal government in the roundup and deportation of illegal aliens in Florida. 

However, the State's Legislature and GOP refuse to take up De Santis's bill...  Instead, they are offering their own version of De Santis's Bill, replacing it with a rendiiton of past AMNESTY and failed catch-and-release programs, as solutions for the illegal alien problem. 

This warmed-over AMNESTY BILL is more akin to a SANCTUARY Bill. It STRIPS Gov. De Santis of his power to deal with the illegal alien population in Florida... giving this power to the Florida Agriculture Secretary.   To add insult to injury, the GOP Legislature calls their Amensty Bill... the TRUMP ACT.

If the proposed Trump Act passes it will permit the illegal aliens in Florida to remain, granting them SANCTUARY and access to most of the State's Social Service and.Welfare programs... the things the people of Florida want to be removed... in short, the legislature offers more of the same failed policy...  Total capitulation on the illegal alien problem... More BETRAYAL. by the GOP/RNC.

It is becoming very obvious that both political parties in Florida, and many other states, are more interested in MAKING MONEY on the backs of the poor and middle cleass... creating a new underclass of illegal aliens, that can be leveraged to retain the STATUS QUO... Revolutions start with such foolhardy heavy-handed politics.

For More See:  Gov. De Santis calls for a special session of the Sta


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