05-08 Politically Incorrect Daily - Politically Incorrect Humor

Friday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker argued for a Department of Justice investigation into how Facebook and Twitter were altering their algorithms for the sake of politics.

Whitaker told host Tucker Carlson he did not see American democracy surviving another election cycle under the circumstances by which those social media outlets function.

“Yes, I actually do believe we are going to get to the bottom of this insidious, really, censorship of mostly conservative voices on social media,” he said. “And I think the Department of Justice has been looking at this issue, and I also believe that because of the way the algorithms that Facebook and Twitter and the like use to provide your news feed, I think that could be viewed, and maybe viewed by this Department of Justice, as a campaign contribution, an illegal campaign contribution, that ultimately, I think, they will step in and take action.”.

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  • Everything I post on Facebook, gets taken down. I'm limited to posting cute puppy pictures. One day I'll be telling my children about a time when there was freedom of speech. I'll be sure to whisper it, so I'm not locked up for speaking about freedom. 

  • Talk, talk, talk, they are all in the same circle, they are all traitors and have sold their souls.

    Name one person that these azzholes have brought to justice, just one.! Oh you mean billy joe bubba? Right, who is that?

  • We just have to many dummies being 'educated' in our schools and they, without being taught the basics of history, are easily influenced by radicals, most of which are in the democrap party.

  • Given the history of some social media companies experimenting with subtle influencer techniques to shift voter patterns -- allegedly, the experiments were able to cause 10% shifts in voting behavior; now combine silencing opposition voices with algorithmic mutation and we have brain washing for hire.

    Of course all of this amounts to direct participation in the Dem campaign ... totally illegal.

  • We all need to get off all social media,  hit them where it hurts the most, in the pocket book!

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