(PatriotHQ) We need photo IDs and permanent voter registration cards, software can be seen by the public, paper ballots are marked by hand, and all data to be kept for the public to see.
No one can imagine how deep election fraud corruption goes.
Several polls show more than 70% of Americans think there is a lot of fraud in our elections. But we’re learning there’s more to it than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes. It’s more complicated and well-planned than that.
Both political parties are involved in the corruption. Big Tech changes the results of search engines and shuts down “dangerous” sites. With the news about Elon Musk, we now know our own FBI is working with Twitter to censor conservatives and shut down speech doesn’t agree with them. It’s almost certain the FBI gave orders to more than just Twitter. And the mainstream media do nothing but make fun of, ignore, or attack people who are willing to speak out.
Anyone who says the Republican red wave didn’t happen because the GOP used bad strategies or didn’t have good candidates is either stupid or part of this plot. In fact, it’s a great way to find “RINOs!”
Absentee ballots are what election fraud is made of.
Any “conservative” news outlet doesn’t give 100% of its attention to the corruption has been found in Maricopa County is part of the problem.
The Left and their RINO allies, along with who knows how many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated system of election fraud in history. Every part of the voting process is messed up, from who can vote to how they vote to how the votes are counted to how the results are reported. They have been dishonest for so long they can’t be caught. They will do anything to keep from getting caught.
The voter rolls are a good place to start.
There are so many mistakes and out-of-date or completely false facts in them no election can be considered safe. The information is not safe at all and can be changed at will. Most attempts to clean up the rolls are either not made or are done so slowly or badly they are useless.
One county in Arizona said, “Within weeks of the election, there were 42,000 changes to the voter rolls, and most of them were illegal. Within 29 days of the election, 21,000 new voters were added to the list. Almost all of them did not have the right to vote. It looks like 8,000 voters live in a business, which is against the law. Every one of the 1,951 people who got ballots at one address and then voted from another is breaking the law. With an 11-point lead in the polls, the Republican candidate lost by about 21,000 votes to a woman who was afraid to debate her!”
Absentee ballots are how election fraud is paid for......... READ MORE - CLICK HERE
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