Georgia Republicans voted to strip Delta Air Lines of a multi-million dollar jet fuel tax break Wednesday.
Later on the same day that Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian released a memo to employees on what he called “unacceptable” new voting laws in Georgia, the state’s House of Representatives voted to strip the company of a tax break on jet fuel. The response came via a late provision to tax bill HB 477, adding new levies on jet fuel as of July 1.
Hours before, Bastian excoriated the aforementioned voting rights bill, which adds ID requirements for mail in votes, restricts the use of ballot drop boxes, expands weekend voting access, and bans the practice of “line warming.” Bastian said it was an “excuse” to “restrict voting rights,” and that the “entire rationale for this bill was based on a lie: that there was widespread voter fraud in Georgia in the 2020 elections.”
The House passed jet fuel tax break removal at the tail-end of the legislative session, which did not make it to the Senate before its adjournment. Even so, House Republicans made their intent clear: “They like our public policy when we’re doing things that benefit them,” House Speaker David Ralston said. “You don’t feed a dog that bites your hand. You got to keep that in mind sometimes.”
With approximately 33,000 employees, Delta Air Lines is the state’s largest employer. The company claims it is “directly responsible for $43.5 billion in economic impact a year.” Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) protested the company’s sudden turn, claiming at “no point” did Delta raise objections about certain elements of the bill before.
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I don't call them Democrats, I call them DemonRats. It's closer to the truth
Democrats COLLUDING with business,big tech,media, Are by definition...........Fascists.
So..............why do we stil call them Democrats and tolerate their lying to us?............#Cancel Maoist Political Correctness by speaking TRUTH to GOEBBELIST SEMANTICS!!!
They really need to have a recall election for Governor Brian Kemp
Liberal panties in a bunch??
Screw Delta.
Republicans with backbones aren't completely extinct after all.
Y'a;ll are earning your money this scession. Keep it up.
From all I have read it seems the left is saying those who can not get voter ID or to register to vote are all incapacited in some manner. They also claim the Georgia policy is racist. Does that mean all blacks in Georgia are either physically or mentally incapacitated?
I know in Georgia they ask for ID when buying liquor, visit a doctor, get a license to drive, and so much more so why has it become impossible for some to get an ID to vote. I betcha a lot of them have cars and licenses so why can't they just drive up to the courthouse and register which is no more difficult that driving up to the supermarket or liquor store.
Every time the democrats want to pull more evil stuff they use the race card which use to work but that is coming to an end..! They want the other 3 or 4 million voters waiting at the south border to be bussed all over and dropped off in the vital election places and be able to vote DEMOCRAT as they were Told They Must Do In Order As Part Of The Deal For Them To Get In and Stay in The USA- The Demoncrats Do Not Want Them Hassled For Being Illegal To Vote..!!! Why do you think "HARRIS" & Biden and "PELOSI ain't doing something about the "CRISES" at the Southern Border..! They Won't Even Alow Media To Cover The Southern Border "CRISES"- The Worst Influx We Have Ever Had and Joe Biden INVITED THEM TO COME..! The Media Is Keeping Secret..!