Good News! Democratic Party at Extinction Level

11026206458?profile=RESIZE_584xGoing, going…….almost gone! The Democrat Party did it to themselves and have yet come to grips with their generational kamikaze politics! Current polling data indicates the Democrat Party is approaching an existential level crisis and facing extinction.

The party's future is more dubious than ever due to record low favorability ratings and a growing percentage of disenchanted progressive-leaning people.

Some ardent supporters maintain that political downturns are simply cyclical and not a cause for concern.  However, the Democrat Party's increasingly anti-American and anti-family stance seems to be the primary cause of their disintegrating party.

Two recent polls have exposed the magnitude of the Democrats' collapse. According to a Quinnipiac University survey published this past week, Americans' opinions of the Democratic Party are outnumbered by an astounding 26 points (31% favorable, 57% unfavorable), while their views of the Republican Party are roughly split (43% favorable, 45% unfavorable).

Similarly, according to a CNN poll, only 33% of Americans had a positive opinion of the Democrat Party, which is the lowest percentage since at least 1992. This trend is further supported by YouGov's tracking survey, which indicates that the Democrat Party is currently less popular than it has been since January 2017.

The CNN poll's most telling conclusion is that an overwhelming percentage of Democrat voters feel ripped off by their own party. Thirty-two percent of these voters say they feel they are "less like a part of the Democrat Party" as a result of recent political failures.

Furthermore, only 49% of Democrat voters believe their opposition to GOP ideas will have little effect, and only 7% believe it will be "effective."

Why is the Democrat Party losing support among Americans? The party's drastic turn toward hateful rhetoric and socialism-style policies thatcartoon013025.jpg?ve=1&tl=1&profile=RESIZE_400x seem essentially at odds with basic American principles is the answer. In addition to supporting open borders, pushing radical social agendas in schools, and supporting economic policies that deprive the middle class, Democrats have progressively adopted actions that prioritize illegal aliens above American citizens.

What have they learned? The Democrat Party has doubled down on identity politics, absurd climate regulations, and police defunding instead of addressing the actual issues facing working-class Americans. These policies have alienated important voter groups, such as Hispanics, working-class whites, and Black voters, who have traditionally been a dependable Democrat voting bloc.

The growing proportion of Black and Hispanic voters who backed the GOP in 2024 is indicative of this change, demonstrating that Democrats' narrative no longer appeals to important groups.

The Republican Party is taking advantage of the change at the same time Democrats are losing popularity. The Republican Party has the greatest positive rating in Quinnipiac history, at 43%, according to the poll. This indicates more Americans, especially those who formerly leaned Democrat, believe the Republican Party is becoming a more attractive alternative.

Republicans have been effective in positioning themselves as the party of economic growth, law and order, and American patriotism—values that resonate with a wide range of voters.

The GOP's success in winning over working-class Americans and Hispanic voters in the 2024 election cycle raises the possibility the Democrat Party's long-standing alliance is disintegrating and fragmenting into an immense collapse.

An increasingly out-of-touch agenda, historical unpopularity, and internal disenchantment all point to the party being on the edge of a total blackout and utter failure from which it will never fully recover.

Final Word: Democrats are becoming a political dinosaur waiting for its extinction, rendering itself to irrelevance and obscurity. The American people and the world have clearly rejected the radical policies and divisive, hateful rhetoric of the party.

Their next move? Maybe it will be a glass display in a museum. 

Good job members! Once again many sites are picking up our articles and are republishing them or using them for content for rewriting!  Ck this out:

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  • Did you see the DNC wants to charge Trump with treason, and they elected David Hogg as the DNC vise chair! 
    Amazing denial these people are suffering from, they are helping us at every turn to make them inconsequential, a simple irritant! 

  • The world has been waiting for the Communists to disappear for decades, starting with the death of Linen, then Stalin, followed by the removal and internal struggles of Nikita and Breshneve. With each challenge, we find the Marxists magically BOUNCE BACK.

    We must not let up. Like the proverbial Timex watch and the Energizer Bunny, they just keep on ticking. As long as individuals are looking to get something for nothing, the utopian promise of Marxism will draw them together like flies to honey.

    The only way to bury Marxism... requires a strong will... The communists must be removed from society permanently. The Marxist's promise of something for nothing is just too powerful for the lazy, institutional victim, and socially challenged to resist.

    The Democrats and their Marxist allies will be BACK with a fire in their belly... ready to set our culture and nation ablaze.  The Marxist's lure of getting something for nothing is just too powerful for the lazy, institutional victim, and social outcast to resist... We must outlaw Communism and its many forms... we must make it illegal for the government to loot other people's money and possessions. At ONE TIME in AMERICA COMMUNISM AS A POLITICAL PARTY WAS OUTLAWED... we must return to that status.

    As it stands today Democrats and their Marxist allies will be BACK with a fire in their belly... ready to set our culture and nation to blaze.

  • Can't wait for the democommie party to disappear into the dustbin of history!

    • They are doubling down, the new head of the DNC wants to charge Trump with treason, and they just elected David Hogg as vice chair! 
      They have learned nothing, they are like the illegals protesting in large numbers......where they can be found and arrested easily.........STUPID AND ARROGANT! 

    • Won't happen June ... the promise to the lazy and indigent of the world is just to powerful an incentive to organize communes and governments that reward the masses with FREE STUFF... only it isn't free or unlimited.

      Hence, cycles of revolution and despotic government plague those social orders that embrace Marxism.  One can only take so much for so long... without a revolution breaking out.  America is almost at its limit for so-called social justice and equity in outcomes.

      Americans are generous to a FAULT ... and that fault line has been crossed... all HELL is about to break out if this current government doesn't  RAPIDLY  reverse course.

  • Now we know why they opened the borders and invited the world to become US Citizens... they need voters, What better place to find potential Democrat voters than the prisons and mental institutions of failed states.

  • Good job members! Once again many sites are picking up our articles and are republishing them or using them for content for rewriting!  Ck this out:


    • Great job!!!! Steve, you make us look great!!

  • If the democommies are at the point of extinction, let's HELP them over the edge!

  • All the more reason for the Democrat Party to back amnesty and a path to citizenship (voting) for as many illegal aliens as they can.

    The Democrat party is at enmity with the US Constitution and the Republic... its laws, culture, and traditions.

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