
  • Exactly...

    The public airways are public property and the FCC has a duty to ensure those licensed serve the BEST INTEREST of the public.  Propaganda serves no good public purpose... suspend and or revoke the offending broadcaster's license and watch the news improve overnight.

    Again, we find the main problem is a lack of ACCOUNTABILITY... 

  • It's called mass propaganda,  NOT news; every one of those stations should have lost their license to operate decades ago!

    • I am with you, June. These stations need to lose their licenses to operate. I expect President Trump to take care of this problem in his second term. He will establish federal government oversight of the media to ensure that only the truth will be reported to Americans. This is the only way we can save our republic, our American way of living, our freedom and liberties.

  • CNN - Cable for Numbskulls and Nitwits. Their anti-American propaganda is destroying this nation. 

  • We have bigger fish to fry in Texas... potential CIVIL WAR  with an unstable president and very weak VP  on one side and a strong conservative coalition of Red States on the other

  • She is just another brain dead broad with Trump Derangement Sydrome!!!

  • This is why this nation is divided at a level that has not existed since the Civil War: Because media organizations CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC have consistently corroborated and confirmed the legitimacy of the nickname President Trump gave them, i.e., "Fake News". Because they deliberately broadcast, and even manipulate news to be favorable to the democratic party, and unfavorable to the republican party. Evidently, they are unaware of how ridiculous and wicked they look doing it. And in so doing, citizens of optimum character integrity are denied credible/legitimate information to make optimum voting decisions. And what enormously exacerbate it, is that many citizens foolishly watch only those stations, and outright refuse to watch Fox News, because they do not want to hear bad news, even though valid concerning the democratic party.

  • Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the Abraham Accords.......that will set their hair on fire!

    • It certainly and deservedly will!!

    • Ozell, no question that President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the Middle East, for neutralizing Iran and North Korea, and for amicable relations with Russia. Alas, watch the globalists not recognizing President Trump's many international success stories.

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