
  • "How do you argue against the nuttiness?"  First, never bother to argue with idiots - - just eliminate them.

  • I would suggest that Ann Lesbyleave this world  She claims to be a PhD - In what -FOOLISHNESS (I think this must be a new area of study in Colleges and Universities).  She obviously knows nothing about science.  

    As for believing Government [(hack hack cough cough] experts - can anyone find any experts in the country?  Certainly there are none in TRAITOR JOE's administration.  I think out founding fathers would rise from their graves and thrash her mightily if they heard the nonsense she spouts.  Just another educatred idiot!


  • Ann Lesbian
 eh Lesby PhD is the Head of Gender Studies at ACL University (an LGBTQ
 whatever college). She describes herself as a 1/8 black, semitrans, queersocial, demisexual lesbian who dates men. She is a leftist kook-kook activist who says ” I do not display my pronouns because I am afraid I will be misgendered. I display my pronouns to show that I am not a bad person.” and “I have always passed as my gender. I have only ever been misgendered by alt rights, and these only at times when my pronouns were clearly stated. I do not display my pronouns to protect me, but to protect others.” This is the so called “government expert” that this article is referring to! There is a reason why you've never heard of her and there is no reason to ever hear of her again!

    • Her personal description begs the question:  Is she mentally ill?  Just a few years ago a person displaying the character traits she proudly touts on her bio would be considered norakkt cinorinused and confused at best, and a good candidate for being clinically diagnosed as neurotic at worst. It is individuals such as her that government picks as experts... leading to the question EXPERTS AT WHAT... derangement?

  • "WHO" is Ann Lesby ???!!!  Where does "IT" work ???!!!   How may "WE" contact "IT" ???!!!


    • A mentally ill deeply disturbed person.


    WHAT! Parents don't trust government experts!!!!!!  Why Not?

    Clowns In Congress Digital Art by Eugene Eggers | Fine Art America

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