10650242282?profile=RESIZE_400xGovernor Gavin Newsom will become President In October – Here’s How

  1.  Nancy Pelosi will convince the Democrats in the House of Representative to elect Gavin Newsom as her replacement. The Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives; therefore, Gavin Newsom qualifies.
  2.  Nancy Pelosi resigns,
  3.  Gavin Newsom is elected to Speaker of the House in October,
  4.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris resign.
  5.  Gavin Newsom Becomes President because this is the correct constitutional presession.  
  6.  House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer will move up to Vice President.  
  7. The red wave Congressmen will be elected in November but not sworn in until January 3, 2023
  8. President Newsom will then ‘try to save’ the democracy by doing those things Biden was instructed NOT to do.
  9. Thus, the 2024 ticket will be Newsom/Hoyer

OBTW - Gov. Gavin Newsom's aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977. 

Is this possible? What do you think? 

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    • Army 10,000 short but he carefully omitted the 12,000 who sought religious exemptions but havn't been approved and 3,800 soldiers who flatly refused the jab and are being booting out!  So what is the end strength?  Lets do the math: Army Total force this year (includes reduction for the 10,000 recruiting shortage) 466,400 minus the Vax purge of 15,800 = 450,600 Active Duty Troops.

      How is the DOD as a total force faring? Total force this year 1.3 million active duty troops minus the Vax purge of 268,000 = End strength 1 million Active on Duty!

    • Rosetta Stone has a life time - any languge offer so....

    • Indubitibly! 

      That is why WE THE PEOPLE have to forget about elections and organize a Hundred - a Thousand full families, including children and pets BEFORE we assemble a Patrioit Convoy of family tent Campers, in an OPEN CARRY demonstration, to MOVE AND LIVE FOREVER on the State Capitol grounds, until HELL FREEZES OVER, The Second Coming, or the Legislators and Governor sponsor and PASS an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, augmented with AN ARREST PROVISION so that our Free, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN Home County has the tools it needs to STATE NULLIFY all, All, ALL Usurpation of POWERS, SPENDING, Income and Employer taxes NOT DELEGATED to Republicans, Democraps nor Presidents under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, but INSTEAD, in pursuance of our AMERICAN form of government and Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, subsequent to Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI, for ALL POWERS, SPENDING, Income and Employer Taxes not Delegated to The Republicans, Democrats nor Presidents, are "reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".

      WTP only need ONE, maybe TWO at most, State Capitol grounds taken over by families, LIVING THERE ("In the watchfires of a hundred circling camps") until our FREE, INDEPENDENT NATION/State does what they are "DUTY BOUND" (Founding Fathers) to do which is STATE NULLIFY all Republican, Democrap and President USURAPTION of Powers, SPENDING, Income and Employer Taxes NOT Delegated to them.  And, enforce each one by Law Enforcement ACTIONS under TITLE 18 U.S. Code 241/242 DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW. 

      This process will, in pursuance to the Laws of the Union (Article I Section 8 clause 15) double almost all citizen weekly take home paychecks and make the Nation/State very wealthy and to provide anything the citizens of that Nation/State desires from their Sovereign Government.
      Any Deep State Agency or Bureau who refuses to cease and desist any usurpation of Powers, Spending, Income or Employer Taxes, property and Constitutionally State Nullified shall be 
      ARRESTED, CHARGED, and JAILED Pending a Trial by a Jury Of Peers.

      What is the definition of The Deep State?  The Deep State are the Massive plethora of REPUBLICAN, DemoCrap, and President demon spawn aka Federal Executive branch of alphabet soup Agencies and Bureaus who are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from even existing in the first place, pursuant to law under our Article IV Section 4 "republican form of government" and Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER, subsequent to Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI of The Constitution.

    • The problem with the supremecy clause is that the SCOTUS has extended the supremecy clause to ALL LAWS and POWERS... However, the federal government's laws and powers ARE ONLY SUPREME WHERE THE CONSTITUTION ASSIGNED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE POWER TO ACT FOR THE UNION. The supremecy clause extends only to the 18 powers found in Article 1, Section 8, and those laws which are in concord with section 9... limits on State powers.  The Federal Government has no power outside of those assigned to it by the Constitution PERIOD. The SCOTUS Justices need to be IMPEACHED if they fail to understand this very simple constitutional precept... the Federal Government is the servant of the states and its laws are only supreme where they have the constitutional authority to govern.

      Your suggestions parallel many I have recommended... the use of massive passive aggressive demonstrations in every state capitol, with all but essential and emergency service, workers on strike... either in assembly or at home, in peaceful protest.  Limited service denial and obstruction tactics, targeted against the MSM and selected agencies of the Government (state and federal) should be engaged nationally.  Such assemblies and protests must be coordinated by a central patriot authority with the power to negotiate Amendments to the Constitution... Amendments such as a Recall and Term Limits amendment, a balanced budget Amendment, and amendments that repeal the 14rh, 16th, and 17th Amendments, etc.

      The People have the necessary constitutional power to demand peaceful constitutional reform... we don't need to engage in violent civil war.  However it takes leadership, RESOURCING, and the national resolve to organize and execute a peaceful plan to bring about the reforms  To date, America has not shown the resolve or leadership to effectively save their Constitutional Republic.

    • "Your suggestions parallel many I have recommended... the use of massive passive aggressive demonstrations in every state capitol, with all but essential and emergency service, workers on strike... either in assembly or at home, in peaceful protest.  Limited service denial and obstruction tactics, targeted against the MSM and selected agencies of the Government (state and federal) should be engaged nationally.  Such assemblies and protests must be coordinated by a central patriot authority with the power to negotiate Amendments to the Constitution... Amendments such as a Recall and Term Limits amendment, a balanced budget Amendment, and amendments that repeal the 14rh, 16th, and 17th Amendments, etc."

      1. We are in accord on the majority of your statements, above, sir, with few departs:
      2. We have fifty FREE, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN NATIONS/States.  As such the States retain the power and authority of "The Laws of The Union" to proceed unilaterally.  And, the fact of the matter is, if one of our Nations/States proceeds with "The PATRIOT WAY" due to A HUNDRED CIRCLING CAMPS of families including all of our children and pets, in an OPEN CARRY Demonstration, to LIVE THERE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES, HELL FREEZES OVER, The Second Coming or the Legislators and Governor sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions AUGMENTED with AN ARREST PROVISION so that our Free, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN (BY LAW) Nation/State has the tool and Law Enforcement Power, backed by the AMFF of The Second Amendment Law, OPERATING UNDER Article I Section 8 clause 15 of The Constitution, to STATE NULLIFY, at the minimum rate of ONE HUNDRED Bills Of Usurpation PER MONTH, all, All, ALL Republican, DemoCrap and President(S) usurpation of POWERS, SPENDING, Income and Employer taxes NOT DELEGATED to them under Article I Section 8 of The Constiution,in full force and effect will DOUBLE nearly all citizen weekly take... in pursuance VERBATIM, of the Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI.  For the States/Parties of The Declaration of Independence and its two dovetail documents called The Constitution, are the final arbitrators of "the Laws of the Union" (Article I Section 8 clause 15). Thus, it is self-evident that the people of that Nation/State shall become exceedly wealthy because, in pursuance of "The Supreme Law of the Land", everything they earn shall be theirs.  Thereby, their home Country, of fifty that form "a more perfect Unon" shall be very wealthy as well, thus be able to pay for whatever the people of that State my desire, but within the realm of "a republican form of government", not robbing Peter to pay Paul.  ONCE JUST ONE, OR TWO States apply "The PATRIOT WAY" and commence State Nullification of all Republican, DemoCrap and President USURPATION of POWERS, SPENDING, Income and Employer taxes NOT DELEGATED to THEM by The Constitution, the balance of the States will quickly follow suit because no State wants to be left holding the bag on $30 TRILLION in National Debt, all by Republican, Democrat and President INSURRECTION and Capital Felony TREASON, against our American form of government.  Additiionally, the $298,000,000,000,000.00 in the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES of SOCIALISTIC Security and Medi-SCARE, both Capital Felony violations of our republican form of government and Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, subsequent to Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI.

        QUESTION for YOU;  If the Republicans, DemoCraps and Presidents are only authorized to spend money on the eighteen items enumerated under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution and nothing WHATSOEVER not delegated to them, what do they need Income or Employer taxes for?????  The Military has ALWAYS since the Constitution was ratified, by our Home Nations/States, by Corporate Income Taxes, which are legal pursuant to the Rule Of Law.  Schools are paid for by local taxes.  Roads are paid for by Road Fuel Taxes.  And, here is the kicker; If all citizens of that Nation are, by law, keeping ALL of their wages, salaries and property, free of ILLEGAL Income and Employer Taxes, that State shall be RICH and able to pay for whatever that nation's citizens desire, within a republican form of government.  Not Socialist robbing of Peter to Pay Paul.
      3. "Such assemblies and protests must be coordinated by a central patriot authority with the power to negotiate Amendments to the Constitution..."  That would be as much as a ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE as the (COS) Convention Of States.  You can't be serious.  The PURPOSE of the COS is to invoke a "Balanced Budget Amendment", which states, in so many words and/or twists to confuse the public, as long as the IRS STEALS enough money out of the weekly paychecks of Americans, the Republicans, DemoCraps and Presidents can SPEND AS MUCH MONEY THEY FEEL LIKE on ANYTHING THEY FEEL LIKE.  That is the closest thing to HELL even worse than today, ever nightmared up by man!
      4. "Amendments such as a Recall and Term Limits amendment"  As Thomas Jefferson conveyed; Tenth Amendment LAW and ORDER are Term Limits.  Paul Ryan, when he was the REPUBLICAN Speaker of the House, in a private moment at our Madison Wisconsin State Capitol, for our WI TEA Party coalitiion gave THE REPUBLICANS TOTAL POWER with a huge Majority in the House, a very significant Majority in the Senate and The Presidency by turning WI from a BLUE State to a RED State, and 10,000 of my fellow TEA Party members were assembled there for "A VICTORY RALLY" (Woo Woo a lot of good that did us), told me that if the Republicans had to obey Tenth Amendment Law & Order they couldn't "BUY all of the Conservative nor Democrat votes they need, nor BUY all of the Hundred$ of Million$ in Corporate campaign donations they NEED to obtain and maintain Power!"  Then he paused for a second and then looked up at me again and said; "Capt. Karl, you wouldn't want the Democrats back in power, DO YAH?"  He is absolutely RIGHT, if the IRS doesn't STEAL our wages, salaries or property NO PARTY or President can get re-elected!  THAT IS A FACT.  As the Ronald Reagan Gold Metal Award I have spoken, privately, to a goodly number of Rapublicans, and they told me If the Tenth Amendment Law was restored, they could never again get re-elected more than once, "IF THEY WERE LUCKY".  TENTH AMENDMENT LAW IS TERM LIMITS...
      5. "amendments that repeal the 14rh, 16th, and 17th Amendments, etc."; Due Process NEEDED to be enhanced BIG TIME!  Not just for reason of slavery.  That was well on the way out in abolishsion anyway.  But FOR ALL OF US, resultant from mass usurpation by the FEDcoats, and our States and County Constitutionally Contemptuous and Corrupt Judges.  I have used the 14th Amendment several times in my Court WINS for the Right to Travel by any means of Conveyance WTP choose without Vehicle Registration nor Driver's License - a God endowed Right!
      6. The 16th and 17th Amendments were NEVER EVEN CLOSE to radification by the States.  Refer to the two volume book by my Colleague, IL Department of Revenue, Special Agent Criminal Division William B... are all lies and/or fabrication.  CASE CLOSED. 

      I HAVE THE PEACEFUL "The PATRIOT WAY" PLAN OF WHICH YOU REFER, IN PURSUANCE TO THE RULE OF OUR LAWS.  But I submit and concure We need leadership and resources to edify the public at large, now suffering from an acute form of MSM, Politician and Government sponsored Public School, MENTICIDE in the extreme. How many amongst us knows that our American form of government forbids Republicans, Democrats and Presidents from VOTING ON, Passing, nor SPENDING ANY MONEY, ON ANYTHING, WHATSOEVER, including Income and Employer taxes, NOT DELEGATED to them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution?  And, thus there are NO Income nor Employer taxes, according to the Supre...


    • "in concord with section 9... limits on State powers."  You meant Section 10. 

      Additionally, The Parties to the Constitution/Compact are the final arbitrators of the Law.  NOT SCOTUS. 

      Thus STATE NULLIFY, A.S.A.P., while State Nullification is still good/availabile.  And, while you're still haven't circum to being Vaxterminated.  And, the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES are available to back Law Enforcing each and every one of them.

      10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
    • What does the Constitution mean; "A More Perfect Union"?

    • Yeah... and the 100K is more like a hundred.... more BS is not going to power this half-baked idea of trekking in the wilderness... the only things this sort of action generates are snake bite and blisters.

    • He aint walkin in AZ during the day!  My roofed, shaded back patio recorded 127.2 at 2:07pm yesterday. Today at 7:30am when I awoke it was 113.7 by 10:45am it had reached 121.1!

  • WOW, is that a scary senario.   Hard to believe the Speaker doesn't need to be chosen from the ranks of the Congressmen.

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