10650242282?profile=RESIZE_400xGovernor Gavin Newsom will become President In October – Here’s How

  1.  Nancy Pelosi will convince the Democrats in the House of Representative to elect Gavin Newsom as her replacement. The Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives; therefore, Gavin Newsom qualifies.
  2.  Nancy Pelosi resigns,
  3.  Gavin Newsom is elected to Speaker of the House in October,
  4.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris resign.
  5.  Gavin Newsom Becomes President because this is the correct constitutional presession.  
  6.  House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer will move up to Vice President.  
  7. The red wave Congressmen will be elected in November but not sworn in until January 3, 2023
  8. President Newsom will then ‘try to save’ the democracy by doing those things Biden was instructed NOT to do.
  9. Thus, the 2024 ticket will be Newsom/Hoyer

OBTW - Gov. Gavin Newsom's aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977. 

Is this possible? What do you think? 

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    • Robert, I agree! The political parties and every branch of government are corrupted from the top down, we have no representation... only an ever escalating tyranny. All the major factors that caused "We the People" to rise up and form the Country in the first place are present now. It's very sad... we have no choice they all must go! 

    • That's right

  • There are 2 scenario here ladies and gentlemen that the Democrats is planning for 2024 bid for the white house scenario 1 is this topic we are talking about now second scenario is Michelle Obama is the target to WIN THE ELECTION 2024 since the Democrats get away with the fraud election in 2020 anything can go for now LET ME SAY TO THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THIS NATION HAS FOLLOWED THE CONSTITUTION I WANT TO SAY TO ALL OF YOU HERE AND RIGHT NOW WE ARE NOT FOLLOWING THE CONSTITUTION AT ALL.

  • America needs to do two things to stop inflation!! 1. Reduce government spending by 40 to 50%. Then the Fed will no longer need to print money, in fact they will reduce the money supply, the value of our dollar will increase. 2. Become energy independent again. Complete the keystone pipeline, and drill, drill, drill!!! With the economy we have today this would be a quick and quite common since solution. Would Newsom, do it? I don't think he would. Newsom is just another God want a be!!!

    • All this was working when Trump was President. We no longer have that window. 

    • Bingo and exactly right on target

    • It will never happen under the Obama regime because they don't believe in it.

    • According to our American form of government, Republicans, DemoCraps and Presidents are OUTLAWED from VOTING ON, Passing, nor SPENDING ANY MONEY, ON ANYTHING, WHATSOEVER, not Delegated to them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, further bolstered by Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, subsequent to Supremacy clauses 2&3 of Article VI.  According to the Founding Fathers "The States are --> DUTY BOUND <-- to STATE NULLIFY all, All, ALL Usurpations of POWER, SPENDING, Income and Employer taxation NOT DELEGATED to the Republicans, DemoCraps and Presidents under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution.

      SO, According to "the supreme law of the land", if WE THE PEOPLE do OUR DUTY to Surround our State Capitol with A HUNDRED CIRCLING TENT CAMPS, complete with all our children and pets, and LIVE THERE for the REST OF OUR LIVES, in an OPEN CARRY DEMONSTRATION, until HELL FREEZES OVER, The Second Coming, or our Legislators and Governor sponsor and pass an exact facsimile of The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions AUGMENTED WITH AN ARREST PROVISION so that our FREE, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN NATION/State has the tools it needs to STATE NULLIFY all Republican, Democrap, and President Bills Of Usurpation since the 1913 TRIFECTA of Constitutional INSURRECTION and TREASON, against our Article IV Section 4 "republican form of government" and Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, at the MINIMUM RATE of ONE HUNDRED BILLS OF USURPATION PER MONTH, IN PURSUANCE of THE RULE OF LAW?  And, in the process DOUBLE all Citizen weekly take home paychecks, who cares who is elected for President, House or Senate, when they are FORBIDDEN, by our NATION/State from VOTING ON, Passing, nor SPENDING ANY MONEY, ON ANYTHING, that is NOT DELEGATED TO THEM?

      This is known as the peaceful "The PATRIOT WAY", INSTEAD OF DOING THE SAME THING, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS, AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS.  Organize YOUR Jeffersonian Patriot Convoy, BEFORE converging on your State Capitol.  Then takeover YOUR State Capital Grounds that YOU PAID FOR, with your State Taxes, with ONE HUNDRED CIRCLING CAMPS, 

      FOR ALL POWERS, SPENDING, Income and Employer taxes NOT DELEGATED TO THE REPUBLICANS, DemoCraps, or President "are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people" - Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER... That is the Law!  You are not against the Rule Of Law, are you?  Then who the hell cares who is elected for President or either House of Congress, if our FREE, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN Home NATION/State, of fifty that "forms a more perfect Union" STATE NULLIFIES all REPUBLICAN, DemoCrap and President(S) INSURRECTIONIST and Capital Felony TREASONOUS Usurpation of Powers and ENFORCES each State Nullification by Law Enforcement Action, Backed Up, IF and WHENEVER NECESSARY by the largest most well Armed Army in the History of the Planet who, according to the Rule Of Law, pursuant to 10 U.S. Code 246 are currently stationed in EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR YOU? 

      IF JUST ONE NATION/State of the fifty that forms "a more perfect Union" of the FREE, INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN, commences State Nullification OF ALL Republican, DemoCrap and President(S) usurpation of POWERS since the 1913 TRIFECTA, at the minimum rate of One Hundred Bills Of Usurpation per month, and thereby the RULE OF LAW, doubles all citizen weekly paychecks of th..., thus making the State rich, all the States will follow suit rather than be left holding the bag on $30 TRILLION in NATIONAL PUBLIC DEBT, all of it by REPUBLICAN, Democrat and President INSURRECTION and Capital Felony TREASON against our AMERICAN form of Government and Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER, plus ANOTHER $298,000,000,000,000.00 in the UNFUNDED Liabilities of SOCIALISTIC Security and Medi-SCARE. 

      btw:  This is EXACTLY WHY A DEMOCRACY of MOB VOTE BUYING RULE is OUTLAWED in The Constitution in favor of Article IV Section 4 "a republican form of government" INSTEAD, whereby Republicans, Democrats and Presidents are forbidden from VOTING ON, Passing, nor SPENDING ANY MONEY, ON ANYTHING, WHATSOEVER, that is NOT DELEGATED to them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution.  For ALL POWERS, all SPENDING, all Income and Employer Taxes, IF ANY, "are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people" - Tenth Amendment LAW & ORDER.


      - Capt. Karl
      AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES of The Second Amendment Law
      OPERATING UNDER ARTICLE I Section 8 clause 15; "to execute the Laws of the Union, ..."

  • Does Nancy have this much power? you can bet your ass she does!!! Please remember that nothing is beyound the lowlife trash that is the democrat party!


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