
  • Oh, just how have they been fighting for American Citizens... by raising taxes, printing fiat currency, and supporting inflationary monetary policy?  Maybe it is the Democrat's open border policy facilitating mass illegal migration, an epidemic of lawlessness, and a huge surplus of cheap labor? The Democrats are destroying our economy and with it the government and our national security. 

    How do any of the above Democrat policies help American citizens?

    Hakeem Jeffries says House Dems Fighting to make Life AFFORDABLE for American Citizens...
    House Democrats and RINO's have destroyed America, dipsht — Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) June 20, 2024
  • The only thing they are fighting to do is to undo our constitution! 

  • Democrats don't only not know the truth, they hate the truth.

  • HAKEEM is Indeed the "Consumate Democrat", who preaches Democrat Generosity to the masses, though knowing full well that they have to tax and steal from the hard working conservatives to provide for theirvoting base of malcontents and parasites.

  • All Democrats have to do to make life affordable is disappear.

  • House Democrats care about Democrat Power and Control, about the USA...not so much. They would rather our country's policies made behind the scenes by nameless, faceless advisors while misleading us into believing that we are being led by Joe Biden who is obviously lost most of his marbles and is an embarrassment, not to mention a liability when it comes to international security.

    • Democrats want to end American soverignty... in exchange for a new world order... a nation-state without borders.  In order to do that they need tht USA to disappear from the list of nations too become another failed nation, a third-world dependent of the United Nations..

    • Very true

  • Now that's humorous

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