Homeless Problem Solved!  (you got to read this one)

?…. but it’s not where or how you would expect!

(PatriotHQ) Of all the places to find a solution to fix the homeless problem it is California, the land of Fruits & Nuts! …. but well, it’s true but here’s the kicker!

Despite the odds, one city has the fewest homeless people in the whole state. Crazy huh!

A Mayor created a zero-tolerance policy on camps in a California city has almost wiped out the homeless population.

BUT- you guessed it, he is NOT a progressive enlightened dreamer Democrat! WOW! Go figure! The Republican mayor of Coronado says the liberal state puts up with "destructive behavior" instead of helping people who need it.

Coronado has the fewest homeless people in all of California.

There is a big problem, and it is not the homeless it is the Libtards mindset. The Dem POV is to allow destructive and lawless behavior to continue and fester rather than be a problem solver and take the moral high ground.

Get this. California cities have been dealing with a homeless crisis for years, and billions of dollars are still being spent to help people who are in desperate need of a place to live.

Richard Bailey, the Republican mayor of Coronado, said there are no homeless people in his city. He talks about how he has enforced a "no-encampment" rule while still upholding the rule of law.

WHAT! A Mayor obeying the law and in California! Impressive!

California's prostitution law makes it possible for sexual abuse to "run rampant" on the streets of Los Angeles, warns a victim advocate.

Bailey told Ashley Strohmier, "The policies are in place at the regional and state level allow this kind of behavior  is both bad for the individual and bad for the communities around them are really allowing this situation to get worse across our whole state and region."

He went on to say, "Changing these policies will actually have a big effect."

Bailey said the city works with the police and a group helps the homeless so  the homeless have only one choice: to get the help they need.

Coronado pays for "reasonable" services to help people who are having trouble "get back on their feet." However, the city also has a "zero tolerance" policy for people who break the rules.

Bailey said, "We also make it very clear we don't allow people to camp out on our sidewalks. We also don't allow people to be drunk in public, urinate in public, or defecate in public." "We can't stand it when people break these simple rules. What ends up happening is the person either decides to get help or leaves."

Wait a minute! This is too easy of a solution! He is not throwing millions of dollars at the homeless, not passing out needles and giving free drugs and yet the problem is being solved! OMG!

Humane but firm! Where did this Mayor come from? …and is there more of people like him? But Bailey says homeless people are no longer on the streets because they got the help they needed.

On the flipside, the LA City Council throws another $50 million emergency fund at the homeless problem., the results? All I can say is: bupkis.

"People become homeless for a lot of different reasons, but in the end, there are only two kinds of homeless people: those who want help and those who don't," Bailey said. "And if people refuse to get help, they shouldn't be able to break more laws, like setting up tents on the sidewalk or urinating or defecating in public."

"We need to make sure these rules are followed so they can get into  other camp where they can get help," he said.

From 2018 to 2012, California blew $10 billion to help end the problem of homeless people and what happened? MORE HOMELESS!

Even though the government is spending a lot of money to help, 30% of the homeless people in the whole country live in California, and why not?

A bill in Portland would give homeless people $1,000 every month! So, it pays to be homeless! Yikes!

In conclusion. Richard Bailey, the Republican Mayor of Coronado, California is on to something which to the progressive and enlightened gurus are confusing and mysterious! He is giving help to those who desperately need it and throwing out people who refuse help and choose homelessness and obeying the law at the same time! What a revolutionary idea!

Maybe this type of public ‘Tough Love’  could be a model for the rest of America, that is, if the Libtards don’t sue him for not passing out free drugs! Go figure!

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  • Money NEVER helped with these situations, the money disappears and the problem keeps growing. Follow the law, no exceptions........period!

  • The key to most of our social dysphoria is to enforce our laws and provide the needed help to those willing to return too society as productive, working, individuals... The rest ship to Congress with... Return to Sender, address unknown... tattooed on their forehead.

  • Why not enforce the vagrancy laws and reduce the homeless population.  The city mayors are responsible for the homeless increase by not enforcing the laws. These mayors should be held as accomplishments and locked up. Congrats to the lone mayor in California following the law.

  • The government should learn from this person and put Americans first before Ukraine or illegals our politicians are to serve those who pay their salaries the Americans taxpayers 

  • Wow, a sane person in charge in California of all places! What a concept!

    • The democrats will find a reason to kick him out of office,since he don't comply with their agenda.


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    • I think the people give money out of guilt and pity.

    • I don't believe it is guilt more than a sense of obligation and the frustration generated by the chronic nature of the homeless problem... it seems to never go away.  Most individuals are compassionate and when exposed to long-term serious poverty they grimace with great sorrow for those who suffer.  Such pain is often confused with misguided GUILT.

  • Where there is a will; there is a way.  this Mayor found it.  Too bad the rest of the places with homeless problems don't follow his lead!

    • Where there is a will there is a way... Jesus said I am the WAY the truth and the life... No man cometh unto the Father except it be by Me...The answer to ALL OF MANKIND's problems are to be found in Christ.

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