Homer Simpson Public Enemy #1

homersimpsonmugshot-800x410.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Is nothing holy anymore? A Simpsons episode has been hacked by (wait for it) Disney!

You may ask why would the ‘Happiest Place On Earth want to delete, destroy and demolish a cartoon comedy such as the Simpsons? The truth be told the Simpsons came a little bit too close to the truth and made Disney sweat!

The dark secret of “forced labor" in China was exposed during a episode of the Simpsons so Disney cut them off at the knees and detected that show! Wonder why?    

People are worried about freedom of speech and how close Disney is to the Chinese Communist Party because of its latest move in Hong Kong.

Yikes! The Axios and Financial Times both said Disney has taken an episode of "The Simpsons” talks about "forced labor camps" in China off of its streaming service in Hong Kong.

The event, "In "One Angry Lisa," Marge Simpson is in an exercise class while the Great Wall of China is shown on the screen and her instructor says, "Look at the wonders of China. There are Bitcoin mines and camps where children are forced to work to make smartphones."

The Dems love the raw power of China and it’s communist strong hold on it’s society but most of all, China has laws limiting basic freedoms, especially freedom of speech. But it doesn’t stop there  Disney's relationship with the CCP seems to be getting better because China is letting more Disney movies in.

So while the Dems admire the Chinese model and liberals have infested Disney they simply have to do what their master demand ofHomer_Simpson_electric_chair.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x them!

In the meantime, the U.S. and other countries have accused Beijing of committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities who are held in forced labor camps in China's Xinjiang region. Last year, the UN said it found "serious violations of human rights" there, which Beijing says is not true.

Disney has always done what China wants when it comes to censorship. In 2021, the company got criticized for making a live-action remake of "Mulan" in Xinjiang, where Muslim Uyghurs are being persecuted, and dropping an episode of "The Simpsons” made fun of Tiananmen Square.

As tensions between China and the U.S. continue to rise, it is still unclear how Disney will deal with the CCP but one thing certain, Disney and the liberal running it will do anything, kiss any ring and pull any show to please their Chinese masters.

Then again what exactly is the difference between Fantasyland and Washington anyway?

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