
  • To Follow the law... we need leadership and an Administration that upholds the law...   When criminals are in charge of administering the law... don't expect ligitimate efforts to reverse their hold on power to work...  The well of righteousness has been poisoned and going to it looking for justice is a waste of time.  We need a NEW WELL... we must rewrite the Federal Judiciary Act, and replace the current administrators of our justice system with new blood.  We must appoint new administrators and managers to lead the DOJ, Federal Law Enforcement, and our Judiciary...  we must appoint men and women of strong moral character, whose education and personal conduct ensure justice will have its champions leading the way.  Until we rebuild our justice system it will only get worse.

    How do We Change Our Tactics So There is No Second Biden Term?
    Command Center is a social network
    • I totally agree. This is a case of maintaining our unwavering support of President Donald Trump no matter what, even if it means fighting against the country and its basic structures that aren't working anymore in 2024 obviously. President Trump will have to be put back into the White House where he will one again establish a government of righteous people. He will need to take total control over the legislative to ensure that traitors like Johnson don't work against him. Finally he will have to assume total authority over the corrupt judiciary. This is the only way our Republic can be rebuilt, and our American way of life, our freedom and liberties be protected. 

  • Trump is going to win.  Really?  What will he do if he is held under House ARrest and DENIED any contact with the MSM and his Campaign during his appeal?  I am sick of the misinformation and analysis of the current situation... it is not good and if we don't begin to properly analyze and respond to the situation with ACTIONS that work ... it is OVER.  Trump's life is at risk and Johnson can't even enforce his subpeanas or contempt charges... Why?  You know why... traitors are running our party.

    Just what is the Public drinking and who is serving it up.... if the GOP and its base think the Marxists are going to allow a ballot count that will give Trump a victory... you're nuts.

    I am sick of it... Our GOP  Leadership is feeding the base false hope... a narrative that is B/S... to keep the base from rallying, they want us to wait for the coming election and the new government in January 2025, how many times have we heard that one?... That is what is going on.  Appeasement is what the Speaker of the House is pedaling as our best course of action.   We all know where appeasement leads us and it isn't victory.

    Speaker Johson is another VP PENCE... a traitor to the Constitution, the Party, and the people. He fully funded the Biden Administration's war on the nation and the MAGA movement... He continues to allow CRIMINAL contempt of Congress.  Not one case of Impeachment of a federal judge or the revoking of LOCAL RULE in DC.   Johnson stood by while the Marxists OPENLY framed Trump and left him to hang alo/ne...

    The power of the purse is the ultimate power in government and Jhonson and his Republican allies gave it away... he refuses to use it to shape the debate and our government policy..  

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