How Humans Will Respond To Space Aliens

(PatriotHQ) Given the history of man is it any wonder Space Aliens haven’t made themselves know yet?5642_pbh_031_120_v019_frame21_0021r-3b74bfe7ac19456a0959ba50c1d54b6a3c4a40b0-s1100-c50.jpg

Have the Space Aliens been watching how humans treat other humans?

What do you think they witnessed if they watched these events?  (no specific order)

  • Ancient Rome brutally conquering the known world.
  • Spanish conquering Central and South America
  • Spanish inquisition
  • WW 1 & WW 2
  • 100-year war
  • England’s treatment of Ireland
  • Conquering the West by Europeans
  • The Holocaust
  • The American Civil War
  • Revolutionary War
  • Communism/Iron Curtain
  • Vietnam
  • Indian Reservations
  • Small Pox’s infected blankets for helpless Indians
  • Feeding paint chips to prisoners
  • LSD experiments on the military by the CIA
  • Aborting the helpless
  • Nazi medical experiments
  • Killing innocent Jesus
  • And the list goes on and on!

Therefore, knowing history, humans only have 4 questions about Space Aliens…..

  1. Can we eat them?
  2. Can we have sex with them?
  3. Can we make them our slaves?
  4. Can we steal their stuff?

If you were a Space Alien, would you come to earth?


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  • After reading your list I don't even want to stay on planet earth! ....take me with you! 

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