(PatriotHQ) It is easier than one may think! All you must do is change sex (assuming you are a male) color, (assuming you are not Black) and sexually orientation (assuming you are not yet reoriented) In 1 easy step you too can be a Black Lesbian Woman!
ALERT: Surgical genital change, color skin graphs and public sex acts are not required for this bold new personal statement! An easy one step can ensure your success!
Here is the secret to becoming the minority or minorities and in one easy step!
This step was discovered by the left and then boldly cultured into a brilliant method of self-change and the good part is, it is endorsed as normal and brave by the enlightened progressive leftist masters. The illuminated geniuses of social and personal engineering have shouted accolades and praise to those who dare take this powerful and brave step into their new bold self-change.
- Instructions: At this point, please get your clipboard and pencil and get ready to learn how you too can change whoever you are into a Black Lesbian Woman (unless you are already one)
Ready? Here is the 1 easy step of becoming a Black Lesbian Woman
Prepare yourself: Stand in front of a mirror.
In one solemn moment with deepest sincerity say out loud:
I Hereby Declare Myself A Black Lesbian Woman!
Time to celebrate! Share the good news with your friends, neighbors, fellow employees, and most of all your parents you are now a proud… (wait for it)
That’s it! Congratulations! At this point let the party begin! Bud-Light for All! Leftists across the globe can’t be prouder of you! The beautiful part is you are not alone!
But some leftists are confused, some are angry about your bold self-change, but why? Is the left now 'haters'?
Get this. Leftists are angry, a Republican lawmaker now sees himself as a woman of color.
Ryan Webb, a Republican councilman in Delaware County, Indiana, caused a stir when he said on his official Facebook page he had "transitioned" to a new identity.
"After a lot of thought, I've decided to come out and finally feel like I can say who I really am," Webb wrote. "It makes me feel so much better to tell everyone I’m a woman, and not just any woman; I'm also a woman of color. Since I'm drawn to women, I guess makes me gay or lesbian, too."
Webb told his friends, coworkers, and voters to call him "Ryan or Councilman Webb." He also told them to call him "he" or "him." He said because of the statement, he was the "first lesbian woman of color to ever serve on the Delaware county council,"
After getting some bad feedback at first, Webb said he chose to talk to the public about his new "identity."
He said, "We can't let them lie and make up their own false story." "From now on, I will tell the truth and be open about who I am and how I see the diversity of my own gender identity. We can't let bullies, racists, and people who are nasty and intolerant shut us up."
Some leftists at first took Webb's statement seriously, so his jokes made them very angry. Charlize Jamieson, a transgender lawmaker, said he has a "history of making hateful anti-trans statements."
"If he were serious, I'd sing his praises," Jamieson reportedly told the Council, according to the Star Press. "I know better, though. We all do. I know better because he has in the past said hateful things about trans people on social media and didn't respect people's names. He has made fun of my gender identity on purpose by calling me the wrong gender. Transgender people don't do to each other."
I-Team 8 said Webb was even threatened with death, and some people even called for his "execution." Has the left become haters? Are they bias against people of color or sexual preference? Does the left have a 'permission process?'
An anonymous supporter stated: I am saddened by the sudden and radical flip from inclusion and equity by the liberals into anti-black and anti-gay fascists denying personal change and embracing xenophobia.
"It's too bad I can't just be given the same space and respect to figure out who I am as so many people who are trying to hurt me want for themselves," Webb said.
"I might change my mind in the future," he added. "The process of figuring out who we are is complicated, and at the end of our own journeys, we often end up in the right place."
In conclusion: I hope you enjoyed this parity but the left is forcing our children to do exactly this every day and who is pushing back?
Now that you are a Black Women Lesbian, you have many privileges such as:
I am a white, male, heterosexual, anglo, protestant, middle class, conservative....is there any hope for me?
I don't want to be a Sodomite......(or am I screwed?) 🙄
You are screwed....
Sorry but no Black Women Lesbian Sodomite benefits for you. Lol
Thanks, now I'm depressed!
At least I got the free coffee cup!
Where can I get a free coffee cup like that?
Try the NAACP store.
Love it! More calling out the rediculous!
Most epic troll ever!😂