US Depopulation has been underway for over a decade, meet the Global Architects! A shadow group of multi-billionaires and power players combining their skills and wealth to shape the future. The problem is their idea for the future is often Satanic!
Shadows of Deception: A sinister plot to depopulate America is in high gear! In the shadows of a seemingly ordinary world, their secret plan unfolds. For over a decade, a clandestine organization known only as "The Global Architects" has been orchestrating a chilling plot to depopulate America. Investigators have unravels a web of intrigue and deception, shedding light on the techniques employed by these mysterious puppet masters.
Global Architects are deploying silent weapons which appear wholesome but are anything but!
Abortion - A Deceptive Choice: Within the depths of their plan lies the strategic manipulation of reproductive rights. Global Architects recognized the power of choice and exploited it, subtly influencing societal values to promote widespread acceptance of abortion. Through careful propaganda and influential lobbying, they created an environment where terminating pregnancies became normalized, contributing to a gradual and unnoticeable decline in population.
Deconstruction of the Family - A Subversive Fragmentation: To undermine the fabric of society, the Global Architects targeted the very foundation that held it together: the family unit. By propagating ideologies that questioned the significance of traditional familial structures, they sowed seeds of doubt, eroding the bonds that once fortified communities. Divorce rates soared, and fragmented families struggled to withstand the orchestrated assault.
Birth Control - A Weapon of Control: In their relentless pursuit of population reduction, the Global Architects infiltrated healthcare systems, encouraging the widespread use of contraceptives. By providing easy access to birth control methods, they manipulated fertility rates and instilled a sense of control over the reproductive choices of millions. Unbeknownst to the masses, their personal decisions were unwittingly aligning with the hidden agenda.
Suppression of Heterosexual Relationships - Love Under Siege: Under the guise of progressiveness, Global Architects aimed to suppress natural human connections. By promoting alternative lifestyles and sowing seeds of discord, they sought to destabilize heterosexual relationships. Love was hijacked, and the once-cherished bonds between men and women were tarnished, leaving many disillusioned and hesitant to pursue fulfilling partnerships.
Nonproductive Homosexuality - A Puppet Show of Diversion: Simultaneously, the Global Architects strategically elevated nonproductive homosexuality, redirecting society's attention away from procreation. They fostered an environment where the celebration of same-sex relationships took precedence over the continuation of the human race. While diversity and inclusivity are noted causes, this particular elevation served as a mere distraction from their underlying agenda.
The Unveiling Truth: While the above techniques are woven into the intricate tapestry of this discovery, it is crucial to differentiate theory from reality. These revelations are becoming obvious and soon to be made visible to those seeking the truth.
The growing list of weapons the Global Architects are wielding with great power!
- Abortion,
- Deconstruction of the family,
- Birth control,
- Pornography as normal. This is a desensitizing system to eradicate natural respect for sex and remove love from sexual relationships.
- Suppression of heterosexual male/female relationships,
- Raise of nonproductive homosexuality,
- Discouraging heterosexual relation through negative branding as: Breeders, Birthing people and the unenlightened.
- Release of engineered virus to reduce population.
- Mass murder in nations (Ukraine and Russia)
- 1 child per family policies,
- Increase living expense making it prohibitive to have children.
- Glorification of the single life.
- Nonproductive sex changes.
- Negative programming of children in public school against heterosexuality.
- Enhancement of 'drag shows' painted as normal,
- Targeted food additives which reduce sperm counts
- Sex Trafficking is more than a perverted delight but to train children they cannot be wholesome parents but are merely objects of sexual gratification.
- ..... and the list goes on and on!
Final Word: The war against America started with sexuality but if we are not careful could end in an empty nation of unfulfilled dreams!
Steve Eichler JD
Minuteman, Tea Party Co-Founder
Perhaps some of those billionaires need to be silenced.
We are in the end times
We are in end times but I think it's going to get a lot worse!
Sorry to say it!
WE THE BOWLING-BINGOING&GOLFING PEOPLES of this 'DEAD REPUBLIC" have NO Idea what FREEDOM IS Nor where such a thing comes from. We who are members of COMMAND CENTER and Are Very Possibly VETERANS know that ALL AMERICANS had Better Learn QUICKLY or We Shall know Slavery or Death very Soon. i have sent out thousands of e-mails touching on these themes for several years....BUT What i Now Know is THEY AINT WORKING.
I know how you feel, this is why we created the Patriot Command Center and supporting sites. Emails to Congress don't work, this is why we created our Message The Congress System
It's free and you can send your message anonymously!
Do it!
Thanks Steve, I was unaware of this link and will use it going forward.
Thanks Steve, I didn't know about this.
Welcome. The law of unexpected result!
Richard, if you keep doing the same over and over and expect different outcomes, we call this......It should be apparent by now that no one is listening to your or anyone's emails. Yet, we hang on to the idea that the same GOP leadership will behave differently in 2023 than they did in 2022.
One specific additional thing to add is their poisoning of things through Endocrine Disruptors. Our hormones.
Some of these are:
Fragrances: Why are they perfuming garbage bags?
Plastics: Why is everything packaged in plastics? Why are the envirionmental nazis not screaming about the formerly 7 mile square mass of plastic in the ocean, that kills fish and is now over 10 miles square?
Cans: Lined with BPA, an endocrine disruptor, and even if the can says, "BPA Free," is most likely has another.
Water: Can contain leftover birth control pills, lotions, paint, cleansers and other chemicals linked to cancer, asthma and more.
Children's lotions, and (potions, bubbles, polishes, glosses and glitters) same link as above.j
Cleaning products. Look for "Safer Choice labels."
Fire Retardants: Pajamas (children's and adults), mattresses, furniture with cloth. Required by the EPA,
Oils: Not all oils are equal. Some are meant for high-temperatures, some are meant for medium temperatures. Oils cooked at too high a temp release toxins. The Smoke Point for Lard is 379°, for Grapeseed Oil is 390°, for Canola Oil is 400-450,° (worst oil). Frying requires higher smoke-point oils in order to be safely consumed. Oils safe for higher temperatures are Avacodo Oil, Sesame Oil and Safflower Oil, abnd especially EEOV (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) The absolute worst oil is Canola as it is chemically extracted using a solvent called hexane, which is an alcohol that utterly destroys Omega-3's, the good fats. Canola is banned in Europe, btw. as they know it is carcinogenic.
Foods banned in Europe and/or Elsewhere:
Fruit Loops: Contains dyes yellow #5 and red #40.
Chicken: US corporate chicken is washed in a chlorine solution. (The EU thinks there should be a “high level of safety throughout the food chain, from farm to fork,”)
Mountain Dew: Contains Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO), creates memory loss, headaches, impaired balance, coordination, and is bad for skin. Supposedly, PepsiCo has removed its use, but beware.
US Milk: Banned in Australia, Nw Zealand, Canada, Japan and the EU. Contains rBGH, a synthetic, man-made growth hormone that increases milk production.
Farmed Salmon: 2/3 of US Salmon is farm-raised in crowded conditions, fed processed figh feed and dangerous chemicals like methyl mercury and dioxins, plus antibiotics to compensate for the overcrowding, and other drugs not fit for human consumption. (same link above)
Maraschino Cherries; Banned in Norway, Finland, Austria, the UK. Contains Red #40, causing allergies, migraines and mental disorders in children. (same link)
US Apples: Banned in EU. US apples are treated wityh Diphenylamine (DPA), a potentially carcinogenic compound used to keep fruit from turning brown. Linked to various cancers.
Little Debbie Swiss Rolls: Banned in Norway and Austria. Food dyes #5 and #40, considered carcinogenic. Other products with these two dyes are labeled, " “the coloring agents may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”
US Breakfast Cereals: Rice Krispies, Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Flakes, which contain Butylated hudroxytoluene, or BHT, a lab-made flavor enhancer. Banned in Japan and the EU.
Instant Mashed Potatoes. Same as above. Banned in Japan, Australia, and the EU.
US Prepackaged Ground Beef: Pink Slime. ABC revealed in 2012 revealed a meat by-product used to reduce fat content. It is made with ammonia gas, an anti-microbial agent dangerous for consumption. The FDA approved Pink Slime in 2001.
Ritz Crackers: Banned in Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Iceland, Norway and Denmark. Contains High Sodium-Hydrogenated Cottonseed oil, a Trans-Fat causing Cardiovascular diseases. the FDA knows they are unsafe but allows them anyway.
US Pork: Banned in the EU, Russia and China. Contains Ractopamine, an animal feed additive used to speed up weight gan and increase carcass leanness in finishing swine.
Additional at link: CoffeeMate, Drumstick Ice-Cream, Skittles, Hawaiian Papaya, Twinkies, Arby's certain foods, Doritos Light, Stove-Top Stuffing.