Hunter Biden Un-Prosecutable?

12131335470?profile=RESIZE_584xTotally and completely baffling! The only way for any normal person to get away with this incredible crime spree has to be a son of Joe Biden. Can anyone explain how someone can get away with such a crime spree without consequences?

Hunter and the Bidens have escaped accusations for years. Hunter's crimes involve secret espionage and a money laundering network that has evaded justice like few American crime families.

The entire filthy Biden crime family are heartbreaking because you know nothing will be done to bring them to justice. Why be injured when "The Big Guy" and his perverted, haughty, drug-addicted son are untouchable under the current tier-based legal system?

Despite that, Hunter's deviance may be limited by recent photographs and recordings of his pranks.

Hunter adores crack, prostitutes, and using his father's position to survive. Biden took pictures while driving through Nevada in his Porsche to meet prostitutes in Las Vegas.

That joyride was disturbing since he smoked crack at 172 mph. On his way to the airport in Arlington, Virginia, Biden took a photo of himself using crack. He described more driving exploits in his "memoir."

This crackhead wrote and published a book. Daddy's impact was significant. The 2021 novel, "Beautiful Things," The book recounts his 2016 wreck of a rental car while on a 12-day drug binge. He was driving to rehab from Palm Springs on a freeway.

Hunter wrote about dozing off: “I awakened up a split second later to find me in midair as the car vaulted a soft curb in the passing lane and rocketed up at 80 mph into a clear blue sky before plunging into the I-10 gulch. The car swerved westbound into oncoming traffic. Fortunately, traffic slowed before my car stopped in the emergency lane hissing and wheezing. It has four flat tires and cacti and scrub brush undercarriage. Trembling from my 12-day roll, I was jittery.”

I love this accident's "flowery" description. soft passing lane curb. "Hissing and coughing it rested on four flat tires, with cacti and scrub wrapped around the undercarriage," it reads. "Soaring eighty miles per hour into a cloudless blue sky." Seriously? It's sickeningly sweet, unlike Biden's. A nuclear bomb's detonation is a bright burst of magnificent light followed by a billowing mushroom-shaped cloud with intensely contrasted hues and a strong summer breeze.

As a Biden, he then lied to Hertz, saying someone had run him off the road. He rented another car and drove to "rehab" in Arizona. His clinic visit continues:

To stay awake, I chain-smoked crack and cigarettes, kept the windows down, and leaned into the cold night air when I fell asleep. I lit up out of habit once the crack lost its strength. I sometimes slap my face.

Hertz received a report from "Joseph McGee" that the vehicle was left outside a rental agency in Prescott, Arizona. The Jeep Compass included credit cards, the idiot's phone, his driver's license (how did he rent another car? ), drug paraphernalia, white powder, and Beau's Delaware Attorney General Badge from his deceased brother Beau. Gas cap keys.

In Biden's book, "after googling my name and Beau's, the manager called the local police, who called the Secret Service, who called my dad."

How many times can a punk get away? Junior's exploitation of "Big Daddy" for espionage and global stealing goes much beyond these disgusting narcotics offenses.

Yavapai County's tough drug prosecutor, Sheila Polk, declined the case. The judge who ordered police to charge cannabidiol (CBD), a hemp molecule that does not get people high, as a criminal. She chose after a four-month police investigation.

Three weeks after she decided not to arrest Junior, examinations showed Joy Boy's pipe contained cocaine.

Hunter and the Bidens have escaped accusations for years. Hunter's crimes involve secret espionage and a money laundering network that has evaded justice like few American crime families.

Final Word: Is Hunter Biden the luckiest bum in the world or is he skating on his Daddy’s name?  IMO – a lot of both!

p.s. if Hunter’s cocaine stash would be discovered in the White House would this meet the threshold for Hunter Biden to be prosecuted? Remember, as the White House is considered Federal Property, the penalty for drug possession would be significantly more severe if discovered by law enforcement." (except if your name is Hunter Biden)

Steve Eichler JD

Minuteman/Tea Party Co-Founder

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  • Nobody in 'authority' is going to do a damned thing against Grope Pa (who ought to be in permanent care) or Hunter The Doper !!!

    The Lodges-Controlled Courts and Department of Justice will see to that !!!

    • Sadly you are no doubt correct again!

    • Unfortunately you are probably correct.  But we all know, even if they tried and actually conficted either TRAITOR JOE or his worthless son; all TRAITOR JOE would do would be pardon them!


    • There was some discussion awhile ago, about whether or not a president had the power to pardon himself.  If that were possible, why didn't President Nixon pardon himsalf??

    • A Pardon is also seen as an admittance of guilt... Nixon, in spite of, his deceitful uses of his office still retained a sense of HONOR and did not want his legacy to point unobtrusively to his guilt.  Nixon was offered the opportunity to resign in exchange for forgoing removal from office by Impeachment with a criminal indictment, possible conviction, and prison as part of his legacy..  In addition, Congress, the GOP, and MSM had not lost all of their credibility, as an institution of honor and respect for the law.  Nixon feared Congress may dispute his pardon and the Court may agree.

      Nixon was looking at a completely different generation... of citizens, members of Congress. and the Judiciary... Nixon didn't have a full deck of GET OUT OF JAIL-FREE CARDS... with which to barter his escape, without serious complications.   Nixon resigned in the face of bipartisan rage and did not even hint at pardoning himself.  Today's political parties are so corrupt that they can not feign rage or prosecute their senior members without the Whole Deck of Cards collapsing on them all.  Hence, we can expect no opposition or effective challenges to Biden pardoning himself and a host of others on his way out.

      The times have changed... and with them, fidelity and honor have become bywords of an era long past...

    • Understood; as for fidelity and honor, those are rare commodities indeed.

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