
  • That may be the only truth coming out of her mouth! Think how corrupt our government is, the money they send all over the world to support horrible situations, horrible people, horrible groups......behind our backs, lying to us, cheating us out of our money, wasting it on evil. 

  • Her immigration to the USA was fraudulent... and just the start of a long list of serious seditious and treasonous acts she has committed...  ADHERING to our enemies, giving them aid and comfort, is treason.  One has to ask why the Democrats and Republicans permit her to remain in Congress or the USA. 

    It appears we have some deep-seated insurrection and treason taking place in BOTH political PARTIES  No one is that foolish... there has to be a profound desire by a significant number of our elected and appointed representatives to poison our culture and destroy America.

    Strip her of her US Citizenship and return her to Somalia where she can live as a woman under Sharia Law.

    • Agreed and take the rest of the "squad" with her.

  • What a disguting broad, she should be sent back to where she came from

    • She and all members of the "Squad" are lunatics!!!!!!! Its astonishing that such people continue to get reelected.

    • The very idea that we have a NICK NAME for those who commit treason... SQUAD... speaks to just how deeply seated the hate for our traditional culture and the Constitution has become among our leadership.   They are not blind, deaf, or without power to stop the sedition and treason taking place in the halls of Congress... which makes them co-conspirators and accessories to their crimes and treason. 

      The only SQUAD these individuals should meet is a FIRING SQUAD.

    • Excellent idea!!

    • I'm there with you.......but there's a lot more than these four! 

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