
  • Notably, if one of us should sneak in to Mexico, or even accidentally stray in to that country,  one of three things would happen - - we might be shot on sight, or immediately arrested and sent to one of their cesspool prisons and we could die there, OR be declared an enemy invader and sentenced to death.  SO, WHY are WE treating real criminal invaders with kid gloves??

  • The death penelty should be used

  • The second time in he should've been eliminated, period.

  • when trump gives a speech at the rnc photos of illegal aliens who have committed crimes against americans on american soil should be posted as biden's poster children

    • I agree with Les, great idea.

    • Great Idea.


    • You are RIGHT ON ROY

  • If convicted then deport them to HELL! 

    • Air Drop them at Midnight on SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND , that's close to Hell.

  • Wah, wah, one has the balls to close the border, shoot them if necessary, nor to deport them! 

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