Information Overload.

I first attended a Tea Party rally in April of 2009.  We still have the posters we made to hold up in support of the Tea Party.

Much has transpired since then. Most of it not good at all. Local Tea Party meetings are now a thing of the past. Maybe a few left, but not many.

The Tea Party Command Center was made virtually worthless by a few who were allowed to take it over not too long after the 2012 "we are going to take America back" supposedly with an election headed by Mitt Romney.  That fell flat on its butt. Even if he were elected.

Regardless of the past the founder has brought back some very good people in the effort to restore the forum. What is happening now is a severe overload of discussion topics, which in my view, serves to inhibit discussion rather than to advance it. The big picture, the central issue, of what is happening to America becomes lost in the weeds of so many topics presented to be read and commented on.

We know there is a problem, and we know it grows worse daily, even by the hour.  What is wrong with America, and what can truly be done about it? While the "devil is certainly in the details" we should not lose sight of, or any understanding of the reason(s) why such details are front and center, and what is behind the fact that they are increasing every single day.

We need solutions. Not more topics. We can talk all day while the Nation goes down, and down, and down, into oblivion and certain death. Defeat is insured when so many problemsare never resolved.

If our Nation is failing, then every institution in our Nation is failing. Every single one.

Why?  And what can be done to turn it around?


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  • I joined a tea party in north jersey and I got autided by the IRS 09-10 Obamas doing   

  • I'm listening. The problem in the past is many of We the People relied on rulers to figure out how to fix and run stuff, so this is how America got in this position. 'Ruler Dependence'

    Our nation wasn't designed to be run by rulers but by the people, a Republic. Tea Party including this site has created a Command Center, lots of email alerts and much more. Now it is up to We the People to act. Figure it out, take leadership position, organize, and march!

    I have sacrificed my reputation, income, and my practice of law to be an activist because I love America.

    So, what suggestions do you have and what actions are you going to take?

    • Thank you for asking.

      I have stated previously that whatever people come up with to combat the assult on American values and re-establish honorable government, it must be done within the bounds of the law and in keeping with the Constitution.

      I have suggested that a bombardment of snail mail be sent to all three branches of government in DC, demand letters plainly stating what we expect out of all public officials. Plainly.  If the number of paper is enormous it cannot be ignored. Hopefully millions of letters.

      This is something we all are capable of doing regardless of age. A campaign could be started right here, on the Tea Party Command Center, to flood the government with letters, either hand written or typed, but not merely Email which is so easily dismissed.

      I think it would be effective. I think it would newsworthy as well.  Now, if the recepients ignore the demands then they must be informed that funding will dry up if that is the case.  No taxes without Representation.

      By the way, sir. Biden is creating a tax on America by his college tuition debt forgiveness program.  Doesn't he have lawyers to warn him that he is openly breaking his Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution with this crap?  We, the People are expected to pay this debt.

      Anyway, I hope I answered your questions.

      As for topics on the forum it seems that the number of them has grown so large that it inhibits thoughtful commentary and possible solutions.  And we need solutions.

    • ADMIN

      I have to disagree with a letter writing campaign. We are far past that point. The democrats and their media want to indite Trump. If Trump was replaced with DeSantis, the same thing would happen to him. They are power mad and will destroy anybody who gets in their way.

      There are only a few things that will work. One is keep sharing content on all social media sites to wake more people up. You never know what piece of information will do it. Therefore, we provide everything that might help move the needle more to the conservative side. We are up against the left and their bots when trying to get the word out. The more people who get the information out, the better chance it will be seen.

      The other is to get people out to the polls armed with good information so they vote conservative. All the information is important because you never know which issue will sway that voter. 

      The one time we really got the attention of the GOP and/or RNC was when Eric Cantor got tossed out in his primary. The voters did that and Mitch and his buddy Paul Ryan were not pleased. We, also, got their attention when Murkowski lost her primary. What was the GOP/RNC solution? They got her to the Senate with a write in campaign. 

      A march on DC? The swamp would set people up and send more people to jail.

      Stop paying taxes? The IRS is going to have millions and millions of dollars and armed agents.  

      We are currently in a place where the Constitution does not matter to the swamp. They do not care. 

      The solution is election integrity, informed voters and voting. That is the power of the people.

    • You are certainly right about the power people have.

      But what power does the average John or Jane Doe have to insure election integrity?

      Money is certainly powerful. But what is even more powerful is abject FEAR.  Fear is the great motivator in changing behavior.

      Bring just a few of the leaders to real justice, and the rest will shape up quickly in knowing that what happened to the leaders could also happen to them unless they do change.

      Hope, as someone else has pointed out prior, is not a plan.

      My view.

    • ADMIN

      Volunteer to be a poll watcher or to be an election worker.

    • The circumstance of dishonesty is not going to be resolved easily or at all when the problem is embedded in those who have the authority to stop it but refuse to do so. It is difficult to fight lawlessness when it is embraced by the very people authorized to enforce it.

      A poll watcher does just that. Watches. Reports any observable misdeeds to the head election official placed by the Supervisior of Elections in the County to oversee that particular polling station.  Election workers take care of the mechanics of voting, and report problems to the same head official. An "After Action Report" is given to the Office of Supervisor of Elections and each District assures that the votes are properly tabulated as correct, and all ultimately ends up being sent to the Governor.

      So, what went wrong in 2020?  Why nothing at all. Biden received 85 million or so of these votes even though he couldn't fill a broom closet with supporters.  Trump filled stadioums and arenas with his supporters, and many couldn't even get in to see him.  Yet the Courts said there was " no standing" to even merit a look at the possibility of fraud.

      Do you really think we need more poll watchers?  Or election workers?

      I support the Tea Party Command Center and all that you do.  I simply do not believe that many people understand the seriousness of the corruption in our government. Left unresolved it will lead to the death of America, and to the death of American citizens in unthinkable numbers.

      What do you think should be done?  What does anyone think about it?

      That is the purpose of my post.

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