IRS Audit By Race

tax-irs-audit.png?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Once again in the absolute brilliance of the Biden Regime the IRS not only has billions upon billions of fresh spendable dollars, 87,000 new armed audit agents but now they are auditing by race!

You heard me right! OBTW – guess what color of citizens are being targeted for a big fat and expensive audit in the year to come?

What the left is doing will assure America will all be equally unsuccessful, even while it won't guarantee everyone will be equally successful.

Sleepy Joe issued many executive orders to undo as much of what Trump had accomplished as possible because he was so overcome by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

One modification at the time mostly went unnoticed was his executive order read:  "This brought to light the enormous human costs of institutional racism and persistent poverty and provided a strong and unequaled authority for all government agencies to introduce a massive strategy to equity,"

 As a result, the Department of Treasury established The Financial Advisory Panel on Race-based Equality.

Take this year's February 16th as an example. Biden then issued a second executive order requiring all federal agencies to implement policies advance racial equity.

According to order, the head of each agency must: “Support the ongoing implementation of an integrated equity plan makes use of the institution's strategy, the government budget, an algorithm, a service delivery sourcing strategy, and a data collection procedure. Additionally, in order to support the institution's mission and service delivery and achieve equal and just outcomes for all Americans, including those in disadvantaged communities, this must incorporate grantmaking, civic engagement, evaluation and research, and regulatory supervision characteristics.”

The America First Legal Foundation requested information under the Freedom of Information Act on Tuesday because it wants to know precisely what this self-serving administration understands by racial equity. The organization is adamant…….

“…. the Treasury Department is committed to adding race and ethnicity to tax data in order to make sure more White, Asian, and mixed-race people are audited simply on the basis of their race or national origin.”

 They state the following in their Freedom of Information request:

"The new Executive Order indicates the Biden Administration plans to change Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit algorithms to target white, Asian, or mixed-race taxpayers when read in light of the Department of the Treasury's continuous efforts to racialize tax policy.

The IRS is not permitted by Congress to compile information on American taxpayers' race and ethnicity. But the Treasury Department has been unlawfully employing racial equality as a criterion in the design of tax compliance and viewing the tax system through a racial justice lens since President Biden took office.

The FOIA request also contained the following assertion: "Given the deep-seated racial obsessions of the Biden Administration, there is a clear and present danger Biden’s Treasury Department and IRS intend to use at least some of their new army of IRS agents to conduct racial audits and enforcement actions against white, Asian, and mixed-race taxpayers," the report states.

Formerly known as communism, socialism, democratic socialism, and now "progressivism," this is what the left is promoting.

On the organization's website, Stephen Miller, the president of America First Legal Foundation and a former senior adviser to President Trump, wrote the following: The whole federal government has been turned into a DEI cult by Biden, who has appointed equity czars to almost every executive branch agency and subordinated every department to the Marxist equality agenda with the stroke of a pen.

In an effort to replace the actual laws and Constitution of the United States and punish and exclude Americans based on their race, ancestry, and gender, the most extreme excesses of the radical woke college campus have just been transported into, and embedded within, every function of the federal government.

"Biden accomplishes this all without enacting any new legislation, much less amending the Constitution; rather, he instructs the permanent bureaucracy to carry out his written directives to radically reshape government in the likeness of the ultra-woke, ultra-radical left. Employees will receive new instruction and training. There will be a redesign of the policies. According to the Marxist equality czars and their White House taskmasters, benefits will be redirected and reoriented.

  • Opportunity should be treated equally, but equity cannot be imposed through legislation on outcomes. Every American who stands out, regardless of race, should not be punished for the sake of "fairness."

The ideology the left is promoting has been referred to as communism, socialism, democratic socialism, and now "progressivism."

In an effort to enforce equality, innovation, competition, quality, opportunity, incentive, and wealth are all killed.

What the left is doing won't ensure we will all succeed equally; it will ensure we will all fail equally.


In conclusion. The Dems are still fighting the Civil War! They are trying to enslave the masses for their government plantations. This time the Dem Masters are targeting Whites and Asians for IRS audits thinking this gives an opportunity for the minority communities to ‘get ahead’.  

But what the Biden Regime is really doing is teaching the minority communities it is ok to cheat on your taxes, your skin color is a shield against prosecution and soon if you follow our lead you will be a corrupt as we are!

Whites and Asians are good for IRS Pocket Picking!

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  • Why am I not surprised! To target audits by race is punitive. An audit is expensive, and the auditor will not walk away empty handed even if he has to twist the IRS code to extract money. But to separate America by race and then to make identifiable groups subject to a financial expense because of their skin color is wrong in every way! 

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