Is Biden On Life-Support?

10967909269?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Reports are confusing and deliberately unclear about the ongoing disintegration of Joe Biden. Some insiders are confessing to a medically induced consciousness to bring Biden back long enough to make speeches,. However incoherent and bewildered Bidens word salad is a unavoidable result of heavy drug induced consciousness.

Not only that but the truth is slowly leaking out!

Get this: Obama's Former Doctor: The White House Will 'Cover-For' Biden's Physical Report

Former 44th President Barack Obama's doctor said the White House will likely "sugarcoat and Cover-For" President Joe Biden's health when his weeks-delayed physical is completed.

Dr. David Scheiner, Obama's personal physician for more than 20 years before he was elected president, told the Washington Examiner Biden’s advanced age is a major health concern, despite the fact  his performance as commander-in-chief has exceeded expectations.

"You won't learn anything," Scheiner predicted. "These things are sugarcoated."

He emphasized Biden’s likely reelection campaign adds urgency to calls for transparency about his health.

"I don't care if he's in perfect health now; by the time he finishes [a second term], he'll be 86 years old," Scheiner said. "I don't care if he's in perfect health now — which I can't believe he is. He's had far too many things in his past.

"I'm concerned about his aging," he added. "From the looks of him, he's not a young 80."

Biden's annual physical exam is scheduled for Feb. 16, after weeks of delays caused by his changing travel schedule, according to the White House.

Over Thanksgiving, the president told reporters a portion of the exam was completed last year.

The delay has prompted criticism from Biden's political opponents, who question whether he is qualified to lead the country as he prepares to run for reelection.

In 2021, Biden's gait was described by his doctor as "perceptibly stiffer and less fluid," which could be an indication of his overall health.

"The gait is not an insignificant factor," he told the Examiner, adding it provides "a glimpse into a person's entire physical, mental capability."

According to Scheiner, Biden's physical should include a neurocognitive exam or an MRI, but this is unlikely.

"The one thing they don't look for is a thorough examination of the mind," he says. "I don't believe any of the candidates want it. They're afraid they'll discover something.

"Biden had an aneurysm repaired," he went on to say. "There is always some damage done when working on the brain. He's had atrial fibrillation, which can occasionally cause minor strokes. They're leaving me with a lot of questions."

According to the White House press secretary, the president's doctor will issue a public memo about the president's health.

"We want to be transparent," Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Tuesday.

Biden's doctor stated he "remains fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations" at the time of his next physical in November 2021.

In conclusion: While the world laughs at the movie series Weekend at Bernie’s that cold hard truth of reality is daunting. Biden may be indeed propped up by induced drug consciousness long enough to appear coherent but in reality is nothing more than a zombie brough back to life long enough for the Dem super-committee to use his empty shell to run their shrinking empire.

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  • People keep asking if Biden will run in 2024, I'm not sure he'll make it to dinner ! 

  • Biden is the first zombie placed in office as president. A coup placed him in office by stealing an election.  



  • Sounds like a Democrat operation... Dead men leading a nation of Zombies over a cliff... All in the name of Marxism and a new world order.

    • ADMIN

      Has Biden ever been OFF life support? 

    • Agreed

  • All anyone has to do is just observe what is happening with this present administration and any reasonable person would realize that JOE BIDEN has a serious cognitive issue,  It is very obvious that JOE BIDEN simply is not up to the task at hand. The world at present is a powder keg just waiting for the explosion and we have a president that is not totally capable of making a rational decision, We have to wonder who behind the scene is making decisions for our national and domestic security it is obvious we are lacking in serious leadership coming from the Oval Office. We must be completely honest we also have a DYSFUNCTIONAL CONGRESS

    • Congress appears to be somewhat more functional then it was two months ago, or at least, they are trying to be.

  • It's not about age! Although Trump and Biden are close to the same age, Trump is smart, quick witted and very agile, Biden....not so much!

    • Not so much... he needs help finding his way off stage and can't find the podium without serious help... falls off his bicycle like a bobble head puppet.  He thinks the Balloons are party favors sent by XI Jinping

  • All the time, same as our country now!! 

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