Is Our Country Dead?

“A Nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it can not survive TREASON FROM  WITHIN…  An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly, but the traitor moves among those within the gate freely.  His sly whispers rustling thru all the galleries heard in every hall of government itself.  For the traitor appears, not as a traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their garments.  He appeals to the BASENESS that lies in the heart of all men.  He rots the soul of a Nation.  He works secretly and unknown in the night, to undermine the pillars of the city.  He INFECTS THE BODY POLITIC so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to be feared. ” Cicero 42 B.C.

The above words are no less true today than when first spoken by Cicero… our body politic is infected, with the baseness of men. These traitors speak in familiar accents, they wear the face and garments of our neighbors, but at heart, they undermine the pillars of liberty and rot our Nation’s soul.  These political psychopaths lie with impunity and cunning, purchasing public favor with promises they can not keep.  They are charismatic and confident, the elite who commit global crimes: mass genocide, generational slavery, and the theft of the Wealth of Nations.  Bernie Madoff has nothing on these men.  Aesop said of these men  “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to high office.”

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence – it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master.” ― George Washington.  Governments like fire can be both a blessing and a curse. When the government is limited it can help to preserve man’s unalienable rights, but as a fire out of control it can also be the force that can destroy the lives, liberty, and property of the people it was created to protect.”

If a society has too much government the people become the subjects of tyrants; while, in societies with too little government, they experience anarchy. For peace, prosperity, and freedom, to be maximized, the government must be held in check. In our case, that check was (past tense) the Constitution; when, combined with a well-educated, moral, and vigilant, people, our liberty was secure.  Today the Constitution is ignored and the people have forsaken their moral compass.  The people have been ‘dumbed down’ and apathy rules the body politic of our nation.

Hence, our government is no longer held in check by the chains of its Constitution or by a moral and vigilant people.  The Constitution is no longer rigidly enforced by moral or well-educated and informed people. It is therefore imperative that ‘we the people’, reinstate the traditional values that made our Nation… a City set upon a hill, a beacon of liberty in a world of darkness… The American Dream requires due diligence by moral, informed, and vigilant, people.

I fear that the candle of our liberty will soon be extinguished… that its source of light no longer rests in the heart of its people; that, our father’s creed and love of liberty has been lost to an entire generation. America as we knew her is fading in the twilight of her Constitution… A dream extinguished by ill-informed, immoral people; whose, better judgment has been replaced by the baser values of the mob… who now look to prosper at another’s expense.

“Government is the great fiction thru which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” Frederick Bastiat.  Our government has proven these words to be true.  The fundamentals of our liberty no longer rest in the hearts and minds of the people. The baser moral values of the mob now rule… as each man looks to prosper at another’s expense.  Has our Nation died?  Has Hell sent the Ferryman of the River Styix to come for his due?

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  • Pay attention... polls and popular support are not the best measures to use when accessing a Marxist insurgency... they don't care about public opinion or polls... or the law.  A better measure of their success is to view who holds the primary seats of power and the Police and Judiciary in a target nation. The Marxists create crisis, incite violence and chaos...  They manufacture fear to suppress resistance... all while they purge the counter-revolutionary from the seats of government power and social influence.  Elections don't scare Marxists they steal elections, by rigging the vote totals to favor their candidate.

    Examine what took place in Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Columbia, and Guatemala... what is taking place in Brazil and America... don't be fooled the Marxists are consolidating their power as they ID the counter revolutionary and isolate them for removal. Once they have secured their power, and control the narrative, media, and means for cultural resistance the people will wake up one morning to find they live under communism. 

    We are the walking dead... animated bodies without any real power... it is only a matter of time before we wake up to find we live under the rule of a new world socialist order.  Is the American Dream alive?  You judge... but judge righteously... not out of misguided hope.  Can it be fixed... possibly, but it will take the wealthy to organize and resource any reform.  Frankly, I doubt they will intervene not as long as they can maintain the status quo.  The middle class and poor simply don't have the power or ability to resist on their own.


    I don't see it. More and more people are waking up every single day. The exposure of the 'rats' is making them fall drastically in the polls. We are still fighting. If we keep fighting back...we will win.


    No, America is very much alive! More than half of the votes went to Trump! 74,223,975 votes and he had enough to win but was cheated! 

    So, G*d's man was NOT elected, this is why America is having such trouble.

    Biden is a fraud in a fixed election! America is not blessed, but it is not dead! 

    • 74 million votes are Trumped by election fraud and corrupt vote totals... Those who count the votes decide who wins, not voters.  Where have you been?

      If voting were the solution we would not be where we are today.  Getting out the vote has not worked.  I have heard this call every election in the last 58yrs.  There are simply too many DEAD, illegal voters, and mystery guests voting every election cycle.   

      The left seems to have a magic hat that is able to create votes just in time to win... even if it takes more than 100% voter turnout to win... Don't you know every vote counts, just some more often than others?  Like magic jumping beans and the Energizer Bunny, Democrat Ballots  just keep on posting...  until they win. 

      "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."  Quote, Joseph Stalin

       Those who fail .to learn from history are doomed to repeat it... If we continue to put our hope in an electoral systelm that BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES abuse and have collaborated to rig, we should not be surprised when we wake up the day after an election to find any lead we thought we had gone?

    • What will America do... when the next election produces another Biden and more votes than registered voters are tallied in the election?

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