Holy Radar – that’s the Kracken!!! Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? It Tracks Systems and aquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State!
When Sidney Powell stated she HAS RELEASED THE KRAKEN, most of us thought of Clash of the Titans and cheered her on for her gutsy remark. She never blinked and held a stern, a serious face when she said it. She wasn’t joking and now we know why! The “Kraken” is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state!
President Trump and the loyal patriots in the Military and Space Command now have all the evidence of voter fraud and election related treason. This will be used against the enemies of America!
What we are witnessing with the 2020 elections is NOT an election. We are witnessing the attempt of the overthrow of the United States Government. The CIA, FBI and DOJ are full of Treasonous Swamp Rats that are intent on stealing the Presidential seat, and taking over over America for the global order. They are wicked globalist puppets who are boldly pushing their coup to destroy America and impliment a global reset and usher in United Nations Agenda 2030 which is the revised version of sustainable development Agenda 21. They are in lockstep throwing all their punches at unsuspecting Americans while nations around the world are doing the very same lockdowns on their citizens. Will they succeed? The answer is NO! WARNING FROM ACTING SEC. OF DEFENCE CHRIS MILLER:
“Should any maligned actors underestimate our resolve or attempt to undermine our efforts, we will not hesitate to restore deterrents and defeat any and all threats. “
Certain sectors of Special Forces Operations now report directly to Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller. They are aligned with Trump, the Constitution and the defending of America against its enemies, both foreign and domestic. So don’t panic and fear not. President Trump is in control and the battle lines are drawn. The Kraken has been released and it has everything. Special Forces assets are now being deployed to take down America’s domestic enemies and traitors.
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I seem to remember Trump indicating Snowden ought to whistleblow. If so, why not pardon him?
I had read that Pres. Trump was seriously considering that pardon. Every thing we get now is so censored it's almost a waste of time to try to research anything.
Has anyone else heard that Trump may be considering pardoning Snowden???? I don't know how I feel about that but I do imagine Snowden could be helpful with all this technological Chaos with this election. I am trying to get a handle on what and who is becoming involved.
This Kraken group had better get Kraken... December 14th is just around the corner and we need to spit this Dominion conspiracy wide open with criminal indictments well before then... if we expect the Courts to give Trump any relief.
As I understand it, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood have pursued criminal suits, with have a higher threshold of proof to meet. Meanwhile the Trump team is pursuing a civil action, which which has a lower burden of plausibility. This means either way, a win goes to the Legislatures for election determination, or to SCOTUS.
The window is open, but only because the populist President is stubborn. Lesser men would have folded, and left us all out to dry.
Any who have minced about this mans competence or manners are fools
Criminal acts are not under the purview of private attorneys or a civil suit... Crimes must be investigated, indicted, and tried by government prosecutors or District Attorneys in Criminal Courts... not civil attorneys or in civil courts. Republican leaders need to be contacting Prosecutors, US Attorneys, and the local law enforcement in counties and cities where there is a favorably inclined sheriff, chief of police, prosecutor, and judge(s) willing to bring serious charges of felony election fraud.... and other acts of criminal conduct related to the Election.
Thousands of individual criminal and civil cases ought to be advancing in the courts... and the indicted quarried with regard to their superiors involved, and the overall scheme locally and nationally to rig the election.
We need to bring the criminal code to bear on this fraudulent election, wherever possible, along with civil complaints and actions... use all our tools to redress the criminal conduct and election fraud.
Now that you mention it, I can't recall private council seeking for a plaintiff in criminal courts. This leaves us all with a heavy silence regarding the Justice department, state attornies general, or district attorneys. A number of sheriffs have vocally shown an "up yours" to the Covid-farce. How about election fraud?
republican "leaders" like mcconnell are deep state TRAITORS who want devildemocommiecrats in control. GOOOOOOO Trump!!!!!
So then you would have us takes side with the democraps since some republicans are not to your liking.
I am a strong supporter of Trump, even wrote published articles in support of him but I refuse to attack the only ones left to defend our Republic because others do not think them Conservative enough.
Diane, I simply know better than to trust mcconnell and his ilk. I will vote for republicans over devildemocommiecrats every time but mcconnell, graham, sasse, cornyn, collins, murkowski, romney, etc. ARE NOT conservatives. They talk like they are but stab us in the back every chance they get!!!!!