On Friday, I heard a local radio talk show host say something extremely stupid about the COVID restrictions.
He said that even though there is no scientific data showing outbreaks from restaurants and bars, a common answer of people who tested positive was that they had been at a restaurant or bar in the previous two weeks so that justifies the lockdowns. That sets the bar extremely low for destroying businesses, individuals and jobs, doesn't it?
I bet almost every one of the people testing positive had also been to a grocery store and gas station as well. So should we also shut down those, too?
I bet most of them also ate meat and drank water. Maybe we should outlaw those, too.
I bet almost all of them have used toilets and toilet paper. Maybe we should put severe controls on them. Remove the flushers because the virus might hang around on those?
I am sure all of them have touched their faces and washed their hands frequently. There is clearly a direct correlation between the virus and soap. Should we stop selling soap until we get a vaccine?
My guess is almost all of the people testing positive have listened to the radio. There is a direct correlation so maybe we should close down all radio stations until the virus is gone. They certainly aren't essential.
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Anyone and everyone hurt by this fraud and or exaggerated COVID hoax, like what I consider an exaggerated Climate Change hoax. are just considered collateral damage if they are given even that much consideration. Welcome to Socialism/Communism where life means nothing unless it lives of the perpetrators. We mean NOTHING to the Leftists. Don't know how much more evidence any thinking American needs to understand just how tyrannical the powers that be are and just how much they have changed the identity of America and Americans. We cannot ignore this.
If only it were just Stupid at work... then we may be able to forgive the massive betrayal... However, the COVID pandemic is the product of educated men and women whose intelligence has been directed by EVIL motives and their minds and souls have been so seared by Marxist indoctrination that they believe millions more must die to make room for the productive members of the COLLECTIVE.
The elderly, unborn, handicapped. along with all the non-productive members of the Socialist COLLECTIVE must be culled, in order meet their goal: 'From each according to their ability, to each according to their need'. The needs of those with the power to demand services being greater and more pressing than the compassion necessary to support the weak and feeble in society.... welcome to the 4th Reich and the FINAL SOLUTION. Don't take a shower if invited to do so by the Left... their showers may prove deadly.
There nothing stupid about the adversary. They've been working on this for decades at least. They have infiltated, distorted, and fabricated a narrative. They then repeated their story constantly and with verve. They sold it and many bought, too many. We are now sitting like ducks as they shoot their consistent narrative of lies and fraud. Unless by some act of God Pres. Trump gets through this and remains in office I see no way out of this takeover without chaos, violence and likely bloodshed. The globalist and national collection of the "Great Reset" (I think that's what it's called but I understand as Agenda 21, or 30) advocates and supporters NEVER quit. And with all the huge progress they have made we are not likely to see that happen now. With no power, no voice, no status we are at a distinct disadvantage or worse...we are slaves of a sort. So what's left? ONLY US!
,and distorted as well fabricated out of whole cloth a narrative that has
the adversary is the Devil himself
the key word is you cannot overcome stupid that is so true
Their numbers are lies designed to instill fear and obedience!!!!!
Amen Mike... the COVID death rate has been inflated by counting all diagnosed forms of upper respiratory diseases as COVID Deaths... The same bookkeepers counting COVID Death doubled as Election Officials and Vote Counters.
People have become too scared to think anymore. It is so sad.
FDR was but an extension of the progressive movement. HIs words had no meaning for my grandfather who suffered much during the depression during the time FDR sat in office never reducing the burden until the onset of war when the capitalist industry bailed him out.
Not sure if people are scared. They are, for the most part, overly dependent and give undeserved trust to a government that niether deserves our trust nor our loyalty which creates a fear for the future of our Republic.